My New Chapter In Life @UK Blog


我和 Genius Bar 的約會

家中有兩部 Apple iPad,其中太太的 iPad Air 2 最近在短短的兩、三小時內便沒電了,這與以往的經驗有非常大的分別,相信要送回 Apple 去做個檢查。


Things To Do In My Next Visit to Taiwan 下次到台灣應該做甚麼?




疫情中的生活點滴 (一)

武漢肺炎在全球肆瘧了好一段日子,香港人從 2003年 SARS 慘痛的回憶中做好了這次的抗疫工作,現時情況亦漸趨穏定;然而這個疫症對我們的生活或多或少總帶來一些改變。



Turning Raspberry Pi into Shop Display 樹莓批電子餐牌顯示

Shortly after my retirement, I had bought a number of Raspberry Pi Single Board Computer for fun and DIY works. Projects that I had engaged included network based time-lapse camera and multi-nodes Docker Clusters. Later on, as I needed to focus on running my own cafe, all my Pi projects were shelved.

In my current setup of the cafe, I do have an electronic display system built on top of the Raspberry Pi. Relaxed and let me share with you my shop display box.

剛退休時買了數片 Raspberry Pi (樹莓批)單板電腦,學習製作一些簡單的 DIY projects。先後做過些網絡縮時攝影機、Docker Cluster。後來因為需要集中精神攪好我的食店,只好暫時放下。

其實在食店內我也有利用 Raspberry Pi 整合了我的電子顯示屏,就在這𥚃和大家分享一下。


Downgrade 降級

I have my indoor bike training platform for more than two years. The focus of the setup is the Giant TCR SLR1 that led me to the world of road cycling, and the set of high performance Fulcrum Racing Zero wheel-system. Frankly speaking, there should be much better use of the Racing Zero rather than leaving it as part of the indoor training setup.

Recently, I have made up my mind to “Downgrade” my SLR1.

家中的單車訓練台已設置兩年多,主角之一是帶領我踏入公路單車的 Giant TCR SLR1 及一對高性能 Fulcrum Racing Zero 輪組。把這對 Racing Zero 屈就在訓練台上,總是覺得有點可惜。

最近終於決定為 SLR1 來過 “降級”。


Unboxing – Round Three 第三次的開箱

I have written several unboxing posts covering life-style and IT related topics this month. To keep up the momentum, I have just completed another one.



Unboxing 開箱 – Notebook Computer for Distance Learning 遙距上課的手提電腦



With the widespread of the Wuhan Virus, we are required to stay at home and our daily life got seriously affected. Works had been put on hold and school life suspended. Work-from-home becomes major mode of work for adults and distance learning being adopted for students.

My boy has been away from school for nearly four months and has jumped on the video conferencing bandwagon recently.


Iced Coffee 凍咖啡



Stepping into May, the weather is getting hotter and hotter. Along with those inconceviable and ridiculus things happened everyday, I got anxious very easily. Having a glass of cold coffee may make me feel relieved.

The coffee I’m going to have is not just coffee served with ice, it is the Cold Drip Coffee instead. So how is it related to the Cold Brew Coffee that got much attention in these days?


BKOOL – A Subscription Based Virtual Cycling Platform

While social distancing is the way to go to minimise the spreading of COVID-19 among people, most of our daily activities are seriously affected. In particular, we have already stopped group riding for the past few weeks.

Instead of going outdoor, virtual cycling becomes my next best thing to do.


Specialty Coffee from Convenience Store

If you have read my previous post on my status update and flash visit to Taipei, you might notice a box of coffee was lying on the low left corner of the feature image.

This is one of the two Specialty Coffee products available under the Taiwan 7-11 City Cafe Premium sub-brand.


Product Review Video 產品使用報告短片

Just watched a YouTube clip from one of my subscribed channels From the title “[幹話連篇] 飛馬601N 使用心得”, this seems to be a video review of the new coffee grinder. However, it turns out that there is NO actual discussion on the Pros and Cons of the machine despite it was pulled out and pushed back a number of times.

午後有點無聊,看了一段YouTube短片。單從標題”[幹話連篇] 飛馬601N 使用心得”,大家一定以為這是個全新咖啡磨豆機的用家報告。雖然片主多次的把磨豆機拉出拉入,可是直到這段短片的結尾仍然沒有討論過甚麼產品的亮點或缺點。


What a Big Surprise

One of the measures taken here in Hong Kong to address the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus is “Work from Home”.  Such practice had been extensively adopted by me before my retirement. The impact to...


Status Update • Flash Visit to Taipei 狀態更新 • 快閃台北

It’s been quite a long time since I published my last blog post, 318 days to be exact.

2019 has been a busy and wonderful year to me where I have the chance to explore and learn so many things that I have never dreamt before. I am so lucky to have fully recovered, much stronger than before my cardiac operation. In addition, I also have the luxury to setup and run my own small cafe.

