Category: Taiwan


朝聖之旅 – 堂本麵包店 Domoto Bakery Store

好一段時間沒有寫過烘焙有關的分享。還記得 2018 年尾臺灣之旅我拜訪了三間神級的烘焙店,之後也寫過兩篇朝聖之旅的文章,隨後因忙於攪自己的食店,第三篇被擱置一旁,今天就讓我為這個朝聖之旅系列來個終結吧!


Things To Do In My Next Visit to Taiwan 下次到台灣應該做甚麼?




Status Update • Flash Visit to Taipei 狀態更新 • 快閃台北

It’s been quite a long time since I published my last blog post, 318 days to be exact.

2019 has been a busy and wonderful year to me where I have the chance to explore and learn so many things that I have never dreamt before. I am so lucky to have fully recovered, much stronger than before my cardiac operation. In addition, I also have the luxury to setup and run my own small cafe.




Flash Travel – Tainan 快閃台南

n our past holiday travels, I would usually prepare detailed itinerary for the trip. However, as my boy is getting older, he has his own expectation on the travel and the places for our visit may change from time to time. As such, nowadays, I only planned for the flights and accommodations, the rest of the trip will only be worked out during the trip.

In my recent Taipei/Kaohsiung trip, we had made a flash travel to Tainan.




Boulangerie Nogami 朝聖之旅 – 野上麵包


If you still remembered that my classmate had got me two baking books while I was staying in the hospital, one of them is the “火頭工”, of which I had a review on it. The other one is the “野上智寛的麵包全圖解”, a book focusing on the recipe and baking techniques for breads sold in his bakery – Boulangerie Nogami. Despite I have not completed reading it, I was still eager to visit Boulangerie Nogami while I was in Taipei in last December.


First Encounter of YouBike 微笑單車的初邂逅

You may be surprised that I have not ridden any YouBike before despite that I have been to Taipei a number of times. The main reason is that I don’t have Easycard nor local phone number. For security reason, I also don’t want to use my credit card for one-time bike rental as well.




住在台北的老同學早前在面書上分享了羅大佑與音樂瘋子的傳奇派對音樂會。這個由羅大佑和王治平携手合作的Live Show,除了讓大家回味他過往的作品外,也提供一個平台給年輕樂團和樂手作表演。音樂會安排在每月最後的一個星期三晚上。



Bohemian Rhapsody 波希米亞狂想曲

Can’t remember how long I have not watched a movie in the theatre. Yesterday, I went with my friends to Vieshow Cinemas Taipei Xinyi to watch Bohemian Rhapsody, a documentary on the rock band Queen and the lead singer Freddie Mercury.


A Bite of Fine Dining in Kaohsiung

Kaohsiung, the third biggest city of Taiwan, is not only famous for its port, night markets, food, prettiest metro stations and enormous public artwork, but also the emerging scene of fine dining.

During our bike ride in Kaohsiung in late March, we had a chance to be the guests of our closed friends, at one of the great restaurants, the LA ONE Kitchen & Bakery.


Kaohsiung Metro Train Services

During my stay in Kaohsiung, the Rapid Transit System (RTS) or “高雄都會區大眾捷運系統” is the major means of transportation in the Metro area.

Despite the history of the Kaohsiung Metro train services is relatively short, there are some interesting facts that I can share with you.