Tagged: DIY


Bike Climb Improvement Project 單車爬攀改善計劃

Riding uphill places a greater strain on the heart, which can be challenging for individuals like me with cardiovascular conditions. In my early days of road cycling, I got my first road bike, the Giant TCR SLR1, that came with Shimano Ultegra 6800 53/39T racing crankset. This made it quite tough for a beginner cyclist like me. Two years later, I used this bike for cycling tour around Taiwan and despite I had already switched to a bigger 32T cog, climbing the challenging slopes of Shouka and the North-Yilan Highway was still a struggle to me.

騎乘斜坡對心臟的負荷較大,對於我這類有心血管疾病的人來說不是易事。早期對公路車認識不多,第一部購入的公路車 Giant TCR SLR1 是配備 Shimano Ultegra 6800 53/39T 的競賽 Crankset,令我這單車初哥騎得非常之吃力。還記得當年到台灣環島騎的亦是這部車,縱使已轉用了 32T 飛輪,攀爬壽卡及北宜公路的兩段路仍是苦不堪言,因此在我購入的第二部公路車 Giant TCR Advanced SL1 時就指定配上 50/34T crankset。


Do It Yourself 自己的事自己動手做

Since I had published my last post on replacing my road bike tyres, some of my friends living aboard mentioned that DIY is the way to go to save money and possible lead time. I absolutely agreed with them and do believe that mastering DIY skills is another objective to achieve in UK.

居於外地的朋友們對我上一篇自行更換單車軚的網誌,都不約而同提出日常維修工作如果找店家或 Handy man 做,除了費用高外,往往亦要等很久,因此學習自己做 (DIY) 是必然的事。這個我完全同意,亦是移居英國後其中一個學習目標。


Build Your Own Bicycle Rack

I carried two bikes in my car taking up half of the seats. This looks good to me as I can ride whenever I want and save valuable space at home. The downside is some inconvenience in case I need to carry more passengers …