Monthly Archive: November 2020


Hiking Route – Tsing Yi Nature Trails 青衣自然徑

I normally went hiking in the Mount Parker country park, which is easily accessible and with sufficient distance as a workout. Hiking in the New Territories seems to be rare to me but I had one with my old classmates in Tsing Yi last month.



Windows PC WIFI / Bluetooth Upgrade 無綫網絡/藍芽升級

Early in September, I had upgraded my old Windows based Intel NUC with a SSD. It ran swiftly for all my day-to-day works except one thing, Wireless network support is still missing. In case I would like to use the NUC as a multimedia player, this will impose some constraints especially on cabling and device placement.

早前為家中的 Intel NUC 更換了 SSD 後,日常運作已非常暢順,用起來亦很稱心。稍為美中不足是欠缺無綫網絡的支援,如要作其他用途,在擺位及網路配線上便較不方便。


Milestone 里程碑

On 18 October 2017, I published my first post on this blog.

For a typical techie like me, taking up blogging might seem a little bit wired and quite a lot of my friends were really surprised.


對於一個從讀書、工作都是典型 Techie 的我,入手寫網誌是一個很奇怪的開始,亦令身邊很多朋友感到驚訝。



Eric Clapton was asked about how it felt to be the world’s best guitarist.

His response: “I don’t know. Ask Prince.”