Tagged: bread


No-knead Bread, is this a magic? 免揉麵包,真的這樣神奇?

In the past X’mas and New Year holidays, I have baked a number of no-knead breads using recipes from the famous blogger Carol Hu. Some minor adjustments on the proportion of the ingredients and the fermentation time were added.

在剛過去的聖誕及新年假期,我做了好幾次的免揉麵包。材料和做法大致上都是跟隨 Carol Hu 的 blog 所述,只是在材料份量和發酵時間上作出小量修改。


做個手工麵包 Artisan Bread

我很喜愛食麵包,尢其是造形簡樸的歐式麵包。網上見到有很多blog或YouTube的教學文章和片段,今天也嘗試跟著做自己的手工麵包 …