Category: Baking


朝聖之旅 – 堂本麵包店 Domoto Bakery Store

好一段時間沒有寫過烘焙有關的分享。還記得 2018 年尾臺灣之旅我拜訪了三間神級的烘焙店,之後也寫過兩篇朝聖之旅的文章,隨後因忙於攪自己的食店,第三篇被擱置一旁,今天就讓我為這個朝聖之旅系列來個終結吧!


I am .. bakery

My boy was having his Taekwondo promotion examination again in mid January. Same as before, the examination was hosted in a small multi-function hall in Po Lam of Tseung Kwan O. With such a large number of kids participating in various stages of the event, the examination was finally completed by 5 o’clock in the afternoon.

I felt a little bit hungry on our return and noticed a shop opposite to the Po Lam MTR Station that came with a very interesting name – I am .. bakery. Sounded great and worth a try.

小朋友在一月中又要挑戰他的跆拳道進級試,今次試場也一如過往位於將軍澳寶琳。由於場地較細,應考學員卻非常之多,考試最終在臨近下午五時才完成。回家路上肚子有些餓,想找點東西吃,剛巧在地鐵寶琳站附近見到一間麵包店,名字頗特別 – I am .. bakery,就走去試一試吧。


小豬豬麵包 Little Piggy Bakery


今次我帶大家去看看區內一間較年輕的社區麵包店 – 小豬豬麵包。

Shau Kei Wan is located in the eastern part of the Hong Kong Island. In the old days, it was a fishing village and aging population is one of the its major concerns among other districts in the eastern Hong Kong Island. Along with recent city redevelopment projects, new residential buildings are erected which help to build up a more energetic community.

I would like to take you to a tour of a relatively young community bakery shop – Little Piggy Bakery.


Boulangerie Nogami 朝聖之旅 – 野上麵包


If you still remembered that my classmate had got me two baking books while I was staying in the hospital, one of them is the “火頭工”, of which I had a review on it. The other one is the “野上智寛的麵包全圖解”, a book focusing on the recipe and baking techniques for breads sold in his bakery – Boulangerie Nogami. Despite I have not completed reading it, I was still eager to visit Boulangerie Nogami while I was in Taipei in last December.


My Homemade Pain de Campagne 自家製鄉村麵包


I have not baked any bread for several months since I had my surgery. As my recovery is good and it is time for practising baking now.


Wheatie Bakery 麥典坊手感烘焙

午後獨自出外取回已維修好的手提電腦。一切安頓好後,步行到天后,準備乘搭巴士回家。在英皇道與留仙街口見到一間頗雅緻的麵包店 – 麥典坊手感烘焙。

I went out after lunch to pick up my notebook computer from the repair shop. When everything was settled, I walked to Tin Hau and prepared to go home by bus. Right at the junction between King’s Road and Lau Sin Street, an elegant bakery caught my attention – Wheatie Bakery.


Local Bakeries in Hong Kong

I like to visit bakeries when I’m having overseas tours. This not only allowed me to enjoy tasty breads, pastries and wonderful shop decorations, but also gave me a chance to experience various bread that are local to the place.

Recalled that I have written several posts on those bakery stores that I had visited, however, seems like I have none for bakeries in Hong Kong. Starting in 2019, I would like to spend some efforts on all those local bakeries that I have visited and tasted their breads.




Number One 麵包西餅

Got some free time this morning and is great for another short hiking trip in Mount Parker. Before starting the trip, I went to NumberOne bakery to buy my breakfast.

今天早上有點空閒時間,又到柏架山作一個短途行山。出發前有點餓,就在入囗處附近的 Number One 麵包西餅買個麵包充飢。


10 Things I Have Learnt from MasterChef

My wife, my boy and I are fans of the Gordon Ramsay’s MasterChef series of TV Shows.

Having watched a number of the MasterChef seasons in the past few years, other than knowing some of the cooking skills and innovative ideas in elevating dishes to the MasterChef level, we have also learnt somethings from the show.


Artisan Baker – 火頭工

My friend got me some books and magazine to kill time while I stayed in the hospital. One of those is “Artisan Baker 火頭工 説麵包、做麵包、吃麵包” by Philip Wu 吳家麟.


Hong Kong Style Egg Tart – My First Attempt

Like a lot of the Hong Kong people, egg-tart is one of my favourite pastries.

Here in Hong Kong, we have two different styles of egg-tarts, one comes with a butter pastry (撻皮) base while the other one comes with puff pastry (酥皮) base.

Personally, I prefer butter pastry base which is more crispy over the puff pastry base.

This week, instead of making bread, I will practise making my first Hong Kong style Egg-tart with butter pastry base.
Hong Kong Style


A Bite of Fine Dining in Kaohsiung

Kaohsiung, the third biggest city of Taiwan, is not only famous for its port, night markets, food, prettiest metro stations and enormous public artwork, but also the emerging scene of fine dining.

During our bike ride in Kaohsiung in late March, we had a chance to be the guests of our closed friends, at one of the great restaurants, the LA ONE Kitchen & Bakery.


Short Baguette

Baguette is one of the most difficult breads to make and ongoing practice is a must for beginners like me.

My oven is a small one which can’t handle the usual length of 65 cm, so I am going to make a short Baguette instead.


Simple Fig Bread

I love fig, especially those dried figs.They are delicious and rich in dietary fibre.

Back in the good old days when I was young, I like eating Fig Rolls – a sweet biscuit filled with fig paste in the middle.

To fill my dream of eating fig, I decided to bake a fig bread today.


My Little Home Baker

Sunday morning, 17 June 2018.

My boy wanted to make some bread on his own. He was thinking about bread representing various simple geometric shapes and asked for two shapes from his mom and me.


Learn from the Master – Chen Fu Guang 陳撫洸 – Black Tea Bread with Raisins

While writing my last post on Red Wine and Dried-Fruit Bread, I have talked about Wu Pao-Chun and his Fermented Glutinous Rice and Dried Longan Bread. Someone who closely related to Wu Pao-Chun is Chen Fu Guang (陳撫洸) – the legendary bread master who is the mentor of Wu Pao-Chun and the one who lead him to explore the wonderful world of tastes.

I have come across his book “堂本麵包店  小巷𥚃的味蕾奇蹟” (ISBN 978-986-93284-4-9) and would like to learn from the master by following some of the recipes and tips shared by him.


European Bread with a Taiwan Accent

My little boy is having school function today and so no outdoor activity for me as well. Since it is terribly hot in Hong Kong with temperature rising over 30ºC, baking at home sounds...


Dark Brown Sugar Artisan Bread

My little niece returned home for her Easter holiday in early April. During her stay, she talked about the dark brown sugar bread served in Outback Steakhouse and how delicious it is.

Rather than taking her to Outback, how about giving her a surprise? A loaf of freshly baked dark brown sugar bread sounds like a good idea.


Homemade Birthday Dinner for My Boy

Yesterday was my boy’s 10 years old birthday. With only six months of cooking experience, I am still not a good cook. Nevertheless, I should be able to feed my family (No complaint so far). As such, I decided to cook a birthday dinner for him.


No-knead Bread, is this a magic? 免揉麵包,真的這樣神奇?

In the past X’mas and New Year holidays, I have baked a number of no-knead breads using recipes from the famous blogger Carol Hu. Some minor adjustments on the proportion of the ingredients and the fermentation time were added.

在剛過去的聖誕及新年假期,我做了好幾次的免揉麵包。材料和做法大致上都是跟隨 Carol Hu 的 blog 所述,只是在材料份量和發酵時間上作出小量修改。


做個手工麵包 Artisan Bread

我很喜愛食麵包,尢其是造形簡樸的歐式麵包。網上見到有很多blog或YouTube的教學文章和片段,今天也嘗試跟著做自己的手工麵包 …