Category: Information Technology


Building my Recording / Live Streaming Studio 建立自己的影像 / 直播工作室

With the outbreak of COVID-19 across the world, demands on video conferencing and live broadcasting jumped up drastically. Another source of demands were actually coming from those people who were in lockdown state and sharing of video recording and live broadcast becomes one of their works or pastime. These activities imposed a tremendous pressure on the global demands of equipment like Video Cam, WebCam and Microphone across all of the online shopping platforms like Amazon.

近期從社交媒體上的討論得知,全球對視像會議、直播的需求隨著武漢肺炎的廣汛爆發而大增;另外因為很多網民被困於家中,製作網上視頻和直播作分享亦較之前為多,引致對廣播器材的供應構成一定壓力。據説好一些器材如 Video Cam,WebCam 及 Microphone 在 Amazon 等網購平台已出現了供不應求的現象。


Windows PC WIFI / Bluetooth Upgrade 無綫網絡/藍芽升級

Early in September, I had upgraded my old Windows based Intel NUC with a SSD. It ran swiftly for all my day-to-day works except one thing, Wireless network support is still missing. In case I would like to use the NUC as a multimedia player, this will impose some constraints especially on cabling and device placement.

早前為家中的 Intel NUC 更換了 SSD 後,日常運作已非常暢順,用起來亦很稱心。稍為美中不足是欠缺無綫網絡的支援,如要作其他用途,在擺位及網路配線上便較不方便。


Windows PC SSD Upgrade 硬碟升級

I have a 6 years old desktop Windows PC in my home that is mainly used by my wife. However, as my little boy is getting older and needed to use the computer as well, it became quite inconvenient to have them sitting in front of the desktop. I ended up buying notebook computers for them subsequently.

Despite that desktop PC is a little bit old, it still got the works perfectly done if just for daily home use or web surfing. The only downside is the slow PC startup time and that’s why I decided to replace the hard disk with a SSD.

家中一台已購置六年多的桌面 Windows PC 主要是給太太使用,但隨著兒子長大並開始接觸電腦,要他們安坐書枱前便有點不太方便,於是便轉用了筆記簿電腦。

雖然這台電腦有點舊,但如只用作日常的資料處理及上網,它還是升任有餘。唯一不足處是開機時間稍長,最近便決定為它的硬碟升級至 SSD。


我和 Genius Bar 的約會

家中有兩部 Apple iPad,其中太太的 iPad Air 2 最近在短短的兩、三小時內便沒電了,這與以往的經驗有非常大的分別,相信要送回 Apple 去做個檢查。


Turning Raspberry Pi into Shop Display 樹莓批電子餐牌顯示

Shortly after my retirement, I had bought a number of Raspberry Pi Single Board Computer for fun and DIY works. Projects that I had engaged included network based time-lapse camera and multi-nodes Docker Clusters. Later on, as I needed to focus on running my own cafe, all my Pi projects were shelved.

In my current setup of the cafe, I do have an electronic display system built on top of the Raspberry Pi. Relaxed and let me share with you my shop display box.

剛退休時買了數片 Raspberry Pi (樹莓批)單板電腦,學習製作一些簡單的 DIY projects。先後做過些網絡縮時攝影機、Docker Cluster。後來因為需要集中精神攪好我的食店,只好暫時放下。

其實在食店內我也有利用 Raspberry Pi 整合了我的電子顯示屏,就在這𥚃和大家分享一下。


Unboxing – Round Three 第三次的開箱

I have written several unboxing posts covering life-style and IT related topics this month. To keep up the momentum, I have just completed another one.



Unboxing 開箱 – Notebook Computer for Distance Learning 遙距上課的手提電腦



With the widespread of the Wuhan Virus, we are required to stay at home and our daily life got seriously affected. Works had been put on hold and school life suspended. Work-from-home becomes major mode of work for adults and distance learning being adopted for students.

My boy has been away from school for nearly four months and has jumped on the video conferencing bandwagon recently.


Getting My Next Mobile Platform

Ever since I have quit my job in late 2017, I don’t have any notebook computer with me. This sounds a little bit inconvenient and I have been thinking of getting my next mobile platform for quite a while.


Getting Your Old iMac to Speak ANT+ and BLE

Tired of running your bike training and virtual cycling system on your smartphone, tablet with tiny screens?

Constrained by the limited connectivity options and/or processing power of those smart devices?

If yes,  how about using your good old desktop platform or notebook to drive the bike trainer and connect to virtual cycling systems like Zwift or Golden Cheetah?


Extending My Old iMac’s life 令我的舊iMac回復青春

My first Apple iMac has been running for more than 6 years and is still doing its very best to support my normal day-to-day works. To be honest, 6-year is a very long time for a computer and my iMac starts to show its deficiency – start-up very slowly and unable to handle those resources intensive works like multimedia editing and program development …

不經不覺中,我的第一部Apple iMac桌上電腦已替我工作了六年多。日常工作它仍然升任,不會令你失望,只是歳月留痕,令它慢慢的追不上時代的步伐了,每次起動都需要花上十數分鐘。近來亦多了用它作視頻編輯及程式的開發,更令它吃不消 …