My New Chapter In Life @UK Blog


Summer Holidays Ride 2024 暑假單車遊 2024

Summer in the UK is quite short, only lasts for about three months. By August, the sun starts setting after 8 p.m., and soon the days get shorter again. A few days ago, my son suggested we should going on a long-distance cycling trip given the slightly longer daylight and the fact that school hasn’t started yet. As he was so excited, I should have no reason to say no. However, in view of the pain in my right wrist, which probably caused by tendonitis, that haunting me for a few months, a long ride might make it worse!.


Storing multiple bikes at home is a challenge and this is my second attempt to build an in-house upright bike rack 7

My DIY Bike Rack – UK Edition 自家製單車架 – 英國版

Ever since my son’s bike was stolen from our underground parking lot two years ago, I’ve brought my own road bike back home. Along with the mountain bike I recently bought for my son, finding a place to store my three bikes at home has become quite a challenge.

自從前年兒子放在停車場的單車被盗後,我日常使用的公路單車已搬回家内,連同最近為兒子再買的攀山車,在家中找個地方存放我的三部單車已成為一個頗大的困擾 。

My cycling journey to Hammersmith and Notting Hill 3

Round Trip Ride – Hammersmith & Notting Hill 走一轉系列 – Hammersmith & Notting Hill

Looking back often brings surprises or delights, much like when I recently moved my blog posts to my new site. I noticed that there were several half-written cycling posts left gathering dust. Instead of letting them as they were, I’ve decided to tie up those loose ends and hopefully boost some more traffic to my new blog. Although these rides were made over two years ago, in the ever-unchanging British landscape, I don’t think there will be much difference today.



Lunar New Year Holidays 2024 農曆新年

Time flies and we are already three months into 2024! If you’ve been following my monthly look back, you probably know that I’ve been busy migrating my blog to a new server. Better than what I originally projected, the transfer of all contents had already been done last week. What remains is to monitor the new system and make any necessary tweaks; my life is finally back to normal.

話咁快 2024 又過了差不多四份一,大家如果有留意我最近的每月回顧,大概都知道我忙於轉移我的網誌去新的 server。上星期尾剛完成全部 contents 的搬動,剩下來是新系統的監察及作適當的微調,空間多一點,生活又可暫時回常。


Welcome Aboard

Hi, Welcome to my new personal WordPress blog hosted within a Docker environment running on my old ubuntu 22.04 NUC server. Comparing to my original blog site, the new self-hosted WordPress environment is...


Slow Cooked Beef Ragù Pasta 慢煮肉醬意大利粉

For the past few years living in the UK, the food we enjoyed most was Italian pasta. If you remembered my previous post about testing out my son’s new bicycle, that small Italian cafe, Little Italy in Sunbury, is our favourite and we visited there almost every one or two weeks.

在英國生活的日子,食得最多就是意大利 pasta。 如果有留意之前和兒子試他的新單車的一篇,那間位於 Sunbury 的意大利小店 Little Italy 就是我家的至愛,差不多一、兩個星期都會去一次。


Here comes Christmas Again 又到聖誕

2023 went much more quickly than I had thought and Christmas had already arrived. This was the third Christmas since arriving in the UK and festive vibes were around Kingston since late November. 

2023 年過得比我想像快很多,無驚無險又到了聖誕。 這是到英國後的第三個聖誕,早在十一月尾節日氣氛已濃𦋐整個 Kingston。


Bike Climb Improvement Project 單車爬攀改善計劃

Riding uphill places a greater strain on the heart, which can be challenging for individuals like me with cardiovascular conditions. In my early days of road cycling, I got my first road bike, the Giant TCR SLR1, that came with Shimano Ultegra 6800 53/39T racing crankset. This made it quite tough for a beginner cyclist like me. Two years later, I used this bike for cycling tour around Taiwan and despite I had already switched to a bigger 32T cog, climbing the challenging slopes of Shouka and the North-Yilan Highway was still a struggle to me.

騎乘斜坡對心臟的負荷較大,對於我這類有心血管疾病的人來說不是易事。早期對公路車認識不多,第一部購入的公路車 Giant TCR SLR1 是配備 Shimano Ultegra 6800 53/39T 的競賽 Crankset,令我這單車初哥騎得非常之吃力。還記得當年到台灣環島騎的亦是這部車,縱使已轉用了 32T 飛輪,攀爬壽卡及北宜公路的兩段路仍是苦不堪言,因此在我購入的第二部公路車 Giant TCR Advanced SL1 時就指定配上 50/34T crankset。


Summer Holiday 2023 – Day 1 暑期活動 2023 出發篇

To save some money on our trip, we chose the Avanti West Coast train departing from London Euston just before noon. The two-and-a-half-hour journey provided me a perfect opportunity to have a light lunch, read a book and catch a short nap.

因為要省錢,到 Lake District 的交通,我們選擇了中午前從 London Euston 開出的 Avanti West Coast 火車,兩個半小時的車程正好可以吃個輕便午餐,看看書再小睡片刻。


Summer Holiday 2023 暑期活動 2023

Time flies and half of the summer holidays has gone. As usual, my wife will work out the summer activities for our son. Last year, we spent a week in Scotland, and this year we will stay a bit closer, in The Lake District.

不經意地暑假又過了大半,一如往年,太太會為兒子安排暑期活動。 上年去了蘇格蘭,今年就稍為近一點,目的地是英國湖區,The Lake District。


New Family Member 家中新成員

Last October, my son’s bike was stolen from the underground carpark of my apartment. You might think that I didn’t properly lock the bike, but the truth is that I used a set of Cable Locks to secure it. Regrettably, those security measures were not sufficient, and the bike thieves easily cut through the locks.

兒子的單車在去年十月尾被偷了,地點是我住的 apartment 的地下停車場。 你可能認為我沒有把單車鎖好才給賊人下手的機會,但實情是我已用到一組 Cable Locks 鎖上,遺憾的是保安程度不夠高,輕易地被偷車賊剪斷了。