Monthly Archive: December 2020


Those Same Old Days 那些年

Ever since I have got my wireless EarPods, time spent on listening to music has increased quite significantly. Without exception, this also applied to today’s family hike.



A Brighter Tomorrow 明天會更好

My family had another hike on Christmas Eve, or to be more exact, morning of Christmas Eve. This looked like kind of strange Christmas celebration, but we can’t help as this is the norm of the year. You can’t go abroad, no group gathering, and probably hiking is a more safe activity. However, my family still have to go in group of two, in order not to violate the social gathering ban and got arrested.

2020 年的平安夜,其實只是早上的日子,和家人去了行山。沒法子,經歷了不一樣的一年,外遊不得,朋友聚會又不可以,戶外行山應該較安全,只是一家人仍要分成二人一組,避免違反限聚令而被捕。


Starting Advertisement in My Blog 賣廣告

When my blog has accumulated 50000 pageviews, I had written a milestone post to mark this little achievement of my blogger journey. Other than this, I had also started taking Advertisement.




My friend has shared with me her first self filmed video tonight. To my surprise, she managed to present the solid contents fluently for more than 20 minutes without any preparation. Seems like this budding KOL is full of potential.

朋友今晚分享了她第一次自拍的視頻,在沒有任何事前準備下,除了內容充實外,她亦能流暢地演繹了二十多分鐘,看來這個末來 KOL 潛質真不可低估。


Subversive of the times 時代的顛覆者

I love music since I was a little boy. However, growing up from a not so wealthy family, I did not have the luxury to learn any musical instrument and listening to music on the radio was my greatest pleasure.



End of an era 時代的終結

A friend of mine told me last night that she would get a new TV for Digital TV Broadcast service. This reminded me the old Analog TV Broadcast service will come to an end effectively on 1 of December.
