Tagged: Bike training


Windows PC WIFI / Bluetooth Upgrade 無綫網絡/藍芽升級

Early in September, I had upgraded my old Windows based Intel NUC with a SSD. It ran swiftly for all my day-to-day works except one thing, Wireless network support is still missing. In case I would like to use the NUC as a multimedia player, this will impose some constraints especially on cabling and device placement.

早前為家中的 Intel NUC 更換了 SSD 後,日常運作已非常暢順,用起來亦很稱心。稍為美中不足是欠缺無綫網絡的支援,如要作其他用途,在擺位及網路配線上便較不方便。


Downgrade 降級

I have my indoor bike training platform for more than two years. The focus of the setup is the Giant TCR SLR1 that led me to the world of road cycling, and the set of high performance Fulcrum Racing Zero wheel-system. Frankly speaking, there should be much better use of the Racing Zero rather than leaving it as part of the indoor training setup.

Recently, I have made up my mind to “Downgrade” my SLR1.

家中的單車訓練台已設置兩年多,主角之一是帶領我踏入公路單車的 Giant TCR SLR1 及一對高性能 Fulcrum Racing Zero 輪組。把這對 Racing Zero 屈就在訓練台上,總是覺得有點可惜。

最近終於決定為 SLR1 來過 “降級”。


Fixing the Wahoo ELEMNT Route Mode Support?

Early this year, I have kick-started cycle training with my newly installed CycleOps Magnus smart trainer. One of the simplest and cost-effective setups that I had discussed was using the built-in Planned Workout feature of my Wahoo ELEMNT bike computer.

At that time, I had observed that the “Route” mode of trainer control provided by the Wahoo ELEMNT was not functioning. The trainer resistance did not reflect the actual elevation profile of the loaded route.

The case was reported to Wahoo and I finally received their reply in mid-July on fixing the error.

Sounded great !