Tagged: Wahoo Elemnt


Riding with my boss 與 Boss 走一轉

Studying in UK is really wonderful, there are so many term breaks throughout the school year. Just like the recent Spring Term Break that began on 1st of April, my little boss started staying at home with nothing to do again. Early Sunday morning, he suggested to go cycling, which I had no reason to turn down despite of the cold and windy weather.

在英國讀書真好,年中 term break 多到難以至信,剛過去的四月一日又是 Spring Term Break 的開始,家中小老闆又再百無聊賴的 hea 在家,星期日早上,難得他提議午後騎車出外走走,雖然天氣非常寒冷,我也無法拒絶。


Fixing the Wahoo ELEMNT Route Mode Support?

Early this year, I have kick-started cycle training with my newly installed CycleOps Magnus smart trainer. One of the simplest and cost-effective setups that I had discussed was using the built-in Planned Workout feature of my Wahoo ELEMNT bike computer.

At that time, I had observed that the “Route” mode of trainer control provided by the Wahoo ELEMNT was not functioning. The trainer resistance did not reflect the actual elevation profile of the loaded route.

The case was reported to Wahoo and I finally received their reply in mid-July on fixing the error.

Sounded great !


Indoor Bike Trainer 室內自行車訓練台

It has been about four years since I first seriously took up cycling.  From the early days where I could only ride a few kilometers per trip to the round-Taiwan cycling challenge years ago, I have developed quite a regular cycling habit. However, with the tremendous workload before I retired plus the occasional adverse weather condition, I can hardly keep up with the regular exercise …

騎自行車已有四年多,由最初每次只能騎乘數公里至今天已完成過臺灣環島,其間需要養成恒常的騎乘訓練,高峯期保持每星期兩天。但隨著早幾年工作量的增加,再加上要舟車勞頓到新界騎乘,很多時候都未能維持每週一次。如果天氣不佳,下大雨或受持續性的寒冷天氣影響,更易令人放棄 …