My New Chapter In Life @UK Blog


Hoi Nin Fan (First Meal of the Lunar Year) 開年飯

Today is the second day of the Lunar Calendar and is also the day where Cantonese will have our “Hoi Nin”. In our tradition, “Hoi Nin” means start of a year and “Hoi Nin Fan” that is the meal for “Hoi Nin” also signifies the start of a new year … 

今天是農曆年初二,亦是廣東人開年的日子。傳統上在今天吃過開年飯後,新的一年便正式開始 …


Turnip Rice Pudding (Lo Bak Gou) for Chinese New Year 賀年傳統食品 – 蘿蔔糕

Time flies, the Chinese New Year is coming and my wife suggested to prepare some festival food for celebration. There are a lot of traditional foods like Crispy Pastry Dumpling (Yau Kok), Sesame balls (Gin Dui), Glutinous Rice Cake (Lin gou) and Turnip Rice pudding (Lo Bak Gou).

In the good old days, most of these festival foods were homemade by our mothers or bought from supermarkets. Since we are free this year, we decided to make our own “Lo Bak Gou” …

歲月匆匆,瞬間農曆新年就到來,太太提議自行做些過年食品。傳統的過年食品有很多,例如油角、煎堆、年糕及蘿蔔糕等。以往這些食品都是家中老人家所做或從外購買,今年有時間,我們一家人就嘗試一下做蘿蔔糕吧 …


Extending My Old iMac’s life 令我的舊iMac回復青春

My first Apple iMac has been running for more than 6 years and is still doing its very best to support my normal day-to-day works. To be honest, 6-year is a very long time for a computer and my iMac starts to show its deficiency – start-up very slowly and unable to handle those resources intensive works like multimedia editing and program development …

不經不覺中,我的第一部Apple iMac桌上電腦已替我工作了六年多。日常工作它仍然升任,不會令你失望,只是歳月留痕,令它慢慢的追不上時代的步伐了,每次起動都需要花上十數分鐘。近來亦多了用它作視頻編輯及程式的開發,更令它吃不消 …

Hiking around the Hong Kong Island 9

Round the Hong Kong Island 徒步環香港島

Two years ago, I took another challenge – Walk around the Hong Kong Island in one day.

Shortly after I had completed my round-the-island cycling in Taiwan in late 2015, I felt a little bit desperate and would like to look for another challenge of my life. One day while I was surfing the net, I found a young Taiwan undergraduate who spent over 40 days to walk around Taiwan all by herself. All of a sudden, an idea came to my mind – I could do this as well, of course, just in Hong Kong …

兩年前的今天,我又作出另一個挑戰 – 單日徒步環香港島。

2015 年末,我剛完成第一次的臺灣自行車環島,心情有點失落,很想尋找另一個挑戰自我的目標。有一天在網上看到一位二十多歲的臺灣女大學生,用了四十多天的時間,獨自完成她的徒步環島之旅。心想,臺灣那麼大,香港這麼小;她那麼年輕,我這麼成熟,怎麼可以給小女生比下去呢 …


Lamma Island 南丫島闔家一日遊

The weather was slightly warmer in last week which was suitable for outdoor activities. By the time my boy has finished his homework, it was already close to noon and we might not have time to places farther away In that case, we decided to have a short trip in one of the outlying islands nearby – the Lamma Island …

前個星期六天氣稍為回暖,正好適合郊遊。早上小朋友做好功課後,已差不多到了中午,心想:遠的地方去不到,不如就往鄰近的南丫島走一轉吧 …


Hong Kong NWFB Bus Route Number 4 & 42 香港巴士路線巡禮 – 新巴4號及42號

My little boy is enthusiastic about bus routes (unlike others, he only cares about the route and not the bus!) and he memorised nearly all the bus routes in Hong Kong. Whenever we have spare time, he will ask me or his mother to take him for a bus ride (of course, on route designated by him). Today we have boarded route number 4 and 42 that are operated by New World First Bus. Our destination is Wah Fu Estate located in the South Western side of the Hong Kong Island …

家中小朋友自小很熱愛巴士路線(有趣的是,他只著意路線,而不是巴士!),對於本地巴士路線可説是滾瓜爛熟。閒時總要我們帶他乘搭不同的巴士路線。今天他選上的是新巴 4 號及 42 號,目的地是座落於港島西南面的華富邨 …


No-knead Bread, is this a magic? 免揉麵包,真的這樣神奇?

In the past X’mas and New Year holidays, I have baked a number of no-knead breads using recipes from the famous blogger Carol Hu. Some minor adjustments on the proportion of the ingredients and the fermentation time were added.

在剛過去的聖誕及新年假期,我做了好幾次的免揉麵包。材料和做法大致上都是跟隨 Carol Hu 的 blog 所述,只是在材料份量和發酵時間上作出小量修改。


2017 Review 回顧

匆匆的,2017 很快便過去,新的一年亦將到來。對踏入人生新一頁不久的我,也來做個 2017 回顧 …



珈琲是很多人的提神飲料,工作多,壓力大就會飲杯來振奮精神,鬆弛一下。以前日飲數杯珈琲的我,不理它是港式、義式、美式,不理它是多糖多奶、Cappuccino 、Expresso 定Americano,也面不改容。可是近幾年來,隨著年齡、健康狀況的改變,過量的珈琲因往往令我感到不適。即使手上的Pacific Coffee 或Starbucks 戶口尚有餘額,也很久沒有光顧了…


做個手工麵包 Artisan Bread

我很喜愛食麵包,尢其是造形簡樸的歐式麵包。網上見到有很多blog或YouTube的教學文章和片段,今天也嘗試跟著做自己的手工麵包 …


2017臺灣自行車之旅 – 準備篇



