Category: Cycling


Indoor Bike Trainer 室內自行車訓練台

It has been about four years since I first seriously took up cycling.  From the early days where I could only ride a few kilometers per trip to the round-Taiwan cycling challenge years ago, I have developed quite a regular cycling habit. However, with the tremendous workload before I retired plus the occasional adverse weather condition, I can hardly keep up with the regular exercise …

騎自行車已有四年多,由最初每次只能騎乘數公里至今天已完成過臺灣環島,其間需要養成恒常的騎乘訓練,高峯期保持每星期兩天。但隨著早幾年工作量的增加,再加上要舟車勞頓到新界騎乘,很多時候都未能維持每週一次。如果天氣不佳,下大雨或受持續性的寒冷天氣影響,更易令人放棄 …


2017臺灣自行車之旅 – 準備篇
