Looking Back – September 2018

30 SepFour days after surgery and everything is normal. In my 16 days of stay in the Prince of Wales Hotel, I must say that the hospital staff has done excellent jobs. Given the known issue of insufficient man-power resources in the Hong Kong Public Hospital system, the staff has far exceeded the expected level of services.
27 SepMoved from the Intensive Care Unit to the High Dependency Unit for close monitoring
26 SepFinally got my CABG surgery and it lasted for about 6 hours. Thank you for the professional Cardiothoracic Surgery team, the operation was extremely smooth and I was able to wake up by 5pm in the afternoon
16 SepStayed in hospital during mega typhoon Mangkhut hitting Hong Kong. Leaving my bosses to fight against the typhoon at home.
15 SepFainted during regular cycling trip and was sent to the Prince of Wales Hospital for immediate medication

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1 Response

  1. Pauline Y says:

    There should be another button instead of Like for this….. Take care

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