Tagged: Windermere


Summer Holiday 2023 – Day 1 暑期活動 2023 出發篇

To save some money on our trip, we chose the Avanti West Coast train departing from London Euston just before noon. The two-and-a-half-hour journey provided me a perfect opportunity to have a light lunch, read a book and catch a short nap.

因為要省錢,到 Lake District 的交通,我們選擇了中午前從 London Euston 開出的 Avanti West Coast 火車,兩個半小時的車程正好可以吃個輕便午餐,看看書再小睡片刻。


Summer Holiday 2023 暑期活動 2023

Time flies and half of the summer holidays has gone. As usual, my wife will work out the summer activities for our son. Last year, we spent a week in Scotland, and this year we will stay a bit closer, in The Lake District.

不經意地暑假又過了大半,一如往年,太太會為兒子安排暑期活動。 上年去了蘇格蘭,今年就稍為近一點,目的地是英國湖區,The Lake District。