Tagged: U1


Piano Restoration – Welcome Home 鋼琴大翻新 – 回家篇

The full restoration of our Yamaha U1 piano, that was sent to the workshop in last April was completed for quite a while. As I was tied up with other bits and pieces, I failed to provide a timely update on the works. So let me wrap it up in this post.

家裏的鋼琴上年四月中運回 workshop 後,翻新工作早已完成。只因其他鎖碎事情,我遲遲未有作更新,就讓我今天來個總結吧!


Piano Restoration – Part 2 鋼琴大翻新 (二)

Our Yamaha U1 piano had been delivered to the workshop for nearly one week and various components were gradually dismantled. Just received call from A. Hanna & Sons Pianos that additional issues were found by technicians and we were invited to their workshop for a discussion.

To be honest, not a good sign!

鋼琴運回 Workshop 已經差不多一星期,内部零件亦續步被拆開移除。剛收到琴行通知,維修技師發現了更多問題,邀請我們到 Workshop 看看及相討。



Piano Restoration – Part 1 鋼琴大翻新 (一)

Just as mentioned in my previous post, our Yamaha U1 piano was about 20 years old. It was used by my boy’s cousin for her piano learning and subsequently passed to him. It carried two wonder stories of learning and development in music. From random playing with their little fingers to achieving Grade 8 certification and if possible, we would like to have the stories be continued.

正如之前的一篇説過,家中的 Yamaha U1 鋼琴已有約二十年歷史,原本是兒子表姐自小的學習伙伴。一座漆黑的鋼琴盛載着兩個音樂成長故事;由只懂亂敲琴鍵,到取得八級資歷,如果可以的話,我很希望這故事能一直延續下去。