Tagged: Twickenham


New Family Member 家中新成員

Last October, my son’s bike was stolen from the underground carpark of my apartment. You might think that I didn’t properly lock the bike, but the truth is that I used a set of Cable Locks to secure it. Regrettably, those security measures were not sufficient, and the bike thieves easily cut through the locks.

兒子的單車在去年十月尾被偷了,地點是我住的 apartment 的地下停車場。 你可能認為我沒有把單車鎖好才給賊人下手的機會,但實情是我已用到一組 Cable Locks 鎖上,遺憾的是保安程度不夠高,輕易地被偷車賊剪斷了。


Hampton Court Park and River Thames Ride 漫遊漢普敦公園、泰晤士河

Stepping into September, the temperature had slightly dropped to around 15 or 16 ℃. A little bit cool but not that cold. Just as my son had back to school, my wife and I went our for cycling in nearby areas. Some exercise for both of us as well as to search for new cycling routes.

Last week, I rode with my son along Barge Walk. This time, my wife and I would go cycling in the Hampton Court Park.


上次去了 Barge Walk,今次嘗試往漢普敦公園(Hampton Court Park)走走。