Tagged: Thunderbolt


Extending My Old iMac’s life 令我的舊iMac回復青春

My first Apple iMac has been running for more than 6 years and is still doing its very best to support my normal day-to-day works. To be honest, 6-year is a very long time for a computer and my iMac starts to show its deficiency – start-up very slowly and unable to handle those resources intensive works like multimedia editing and program development …

不經不覺中,我的第一部Apple iMac桌上電腦已替我工作了六年多。日常工作它仍然升任,不會令你失望,只是歳月留痕,令它慢慢的追不上時代的步伐了,每次起動都需要花上十數分鐘。近來亦多了用它作視頻編輯及程式的開發,更令它吃不消 …