Tagged: Raspberry Pi


Home Automation 家居自動化

It has been almost a year since I moved into my current apartment. Apart from daily household chores, the introduction of home automation has taken up most of my time. And the story begins with the pendant lights in the living and dining rooms.

搬入現時居所差不多一年了,這段日子除了日常家居打理外,花得最多時間可算是引入家居自動化這個概念。 而故事就是從客、飯廳的吊燈開始。


Turning Raspberry Pi into Shop Display 樹莓批電子餐牌顯示

Shortly after my retirement, I had bought a number of Raspberry Pi Single Board Computer for fun and DIY works. Projects that I had engaged included network based time-lapse camera and multi-nodes Docker Clusters. Later on, as I needed to focus on running my own cafe, all my Pi projects were shelved.

In my current setup of the cafe, I do have an electronic display system built on top of the Raspberry Pi. Relaxed and let me share with you my shop display box.

剛退休時買了數片 Raspberry Pi (樹莓批)單板電腦,學習製作一些簡單的 DIY projects。先後做過些網絡縮時攝影機、Docker Cluster。後來因為需要集中精神攪好我的食店,只好暫時放下。

其實在食店內我也有利用 Raspberry Pi 整合了我的電子顯示屏,就在這𥚃和大家分享一下。