Tagged: pandemic


A Night with Eric 與神共聚

Haven’t listened to Eric Clapton’s songs for quite a while. I believed having only his “Riding With The King” album in my iPhone is the major reason why the chance of presenting his songs under Random Play mode was so low.

Tonight, I came across Eric’s latest album through YouTube’s Ads Algorithm.

很久沒有聽過 Eric Clapton 的歌,原因可能是手機中只有他和 BB King 的 “Riding With The King” 大碟,在 Random Play 模式下很少遇上,

今晚剛巧就碰上 YouTube 在其廣告演算法下推介的新歌曲片段 。


A Brighter Tomorrow 明天會更好

My family had another hike on Christmas Eve, or to be more exact, morning of Christmas Eve. This looked like kind of strange Christmas celebration, but we can’t help as this is the norm of the year. You can’t go abroad, no group gathering, and probably hiking is a more safe activity. However, my family still have to go in group of two, in order not to violate the social gathering ban and got arrested.

2020 年的平安夜,其實只是早上的日子,和家人去了行山。沒法子,經歷了不一樣的一年,外遊不得,朋友聚會又不可以,戶外行山應該較安全,只是一家人仍要分成二人一組,避免違反限聚令而被捕。