Tagged: Old Hong Kong


Hong Kong NWFB Bus Route Number 4 & 42 香港巴士路線巡禮 – 新巴4號及42號

My little boy is enthusiastic about bus routes (unlike others, he only cares about the route and not the bus!) and he memorised nearly all the bus routes in Hong Kong. Whenever we have spare time, he will ask me or his mother to take him for a bus ride (of course, on route designated by him). Today we have boarded route number 4 and 42 that are operated by New World First Bus. Our destination is Wah Fu Estate located in the South Western side of the Hong Kong Island …

家中小朋友自小很熱愛巴士路線(有趣的是,他只著意路線,而不是巴士!),對於本地巴士路線可説是滾瓜爛熟。閒時總要我們帶他乘搭不同的巴士路線。今天他選上的是新巴 4 號及 42 號,目的地是座落於港島西南面的華富邨 …