Tagged: Little Italy


Summer Holidays Ride 2024 暑假單車遊 2024

Summer in the UK is quite short, only lasts for about three months. By August, the sun starts setting after 8 p.m., and soon the days get shorter again. A few days ago, my son suggested we should going on a long-distance cycling trip given the slightly longer daylight and the fact that school hasn’t started yet. As he was so excited, I should have no reason to say no. However, in view of the pain in my right wrist, which probably caused by tendonitis, that haunting me for a few months, a long ride might make it worse!.



New Family Member 家中新成員

Last October, my son’s bike was stolen from the underground carpark of my apartment. You might think that I didn’t properly lock the bike, but the truth is that I used a set of Cable Locks to secure it. Regrettably, those security measures were not sufficient, and the bike thieves easily cut through the locks.

兒子的單車在去年十月尾被偷了,地點是我住的 apartment 的地下停車場。 你可能認為我沒有把單車鎖好才給賊人下手的機會,但實情是我已用到一組 Cable Locks 鎖上,遺憾的是保安程度不夠高,輕易地被偷車賊剪斷了。