Biwaichi Cycling 琵琶湖單車遊
要到日本作深度單車旅遊,兩個入門級的行程就不得不提。第一個是連接廣島及四國今治的 島波海道 (Shimanami Kaido),另一個則是 滋賀縣的琵琶湖 (Lake Biwa)。
Sharing of Cycling, Travel, Baking, DIY and personal feelings
要到日本作深度單車旅遊,兩個入門級的行程就不得不提。第一個是連接廣島及四國今治的 島波海道 (Shimanami Kaido),另一個則是 滋賀縣的琵琶湖 (Lake Biwa)。
Just joined the 2018 Cycle Life Challenge initiated by The rules of the game are very simple as highlighted in their site: Cycle Life Challenge Rules Since it’s a Challenge, there are Rules....