Tagged: Hovercraft


Lunar New Year Holidays 2024 農曆新年

Time flies and we are already three months into 2024! If you’ve been following my monthly look back, you probably know that I’ve been busy migrating my blog to a new server. Better than what I originally projected, the transfer of all contents had already been done last week. What remains is to monitor the new system and make any necessary tweaks; my life is finally back to normal.

話咁快 2024 又過了差不多四份一,大家如果有留意我最近的每月回顧,大概都知道我忙於轉移我的網誌去新的 server。上星期尾剛完成全部 contents 的搬動,剩下來是新系統的監察及作適當的微調,空間多一點,生活又可暫時回常。