Tagged: Basic Studio Equipment Setup


Building my Recording / Live Streaming Studio 建立自己的影像 / 直播工作室

With the outbreak of COVID-19 across the world, demands on video conferencing and live broadcasting jumped up drastically. Another source of demands were actually coming from those people who were in lockdown state and sharing of video recording and live broadcast becomes one of their works or pastime. These activities imposed a tremendous pressure on the global demands of equipment like Video Cam, WebCam and Microphone across all of the online shopping platforms like Amazon.

近期從社交媒體上的討論得知,全球對視像會議、直播的需求隨著武漢肺炎的廣汛爆發而大增;另外因為很多網民被困於家中,製作網上視頻和直播作分享亦較之前為多,引致對廣播器材的供應構成一定壓力。據説好一些器材如 Video Cam,WebCam 及 Microphone 在 Amazon 等網購平台已出現了供不應求的現象。