Tagged: Barge Walk


Short Ride – Bushy Park 灌木公園單車遊

There are several places near Kingston town centre that are great for walking and cycling. These includes Barge Walk and Hampton Court Home Park that I had visited before as well as Bushy Park that I am going to introduce in this post.

Kingston 市中心附近有數個適合漫步或騎單車的著名景點,包括早前我去過的 Barge Walk,漢普敦公園及今次要介紹的灌木公園(Bushy Park)。


Hampton Court Park and River Thames Ride 漫遊漢普敦公園、泰晤士河

Stepping into September, the temperature had slightly dropped to around 15 or 16 ℃. A little bit cool but not that cold. Just as my son had back to school, my wife and I went our for cycling in nearby areas. Some exercise for both of us as well as to search for new cycling routes.

Last week, I rode with my son along Barge Walk. This time, my wife and I would go cycling in the Hampton Court Park.


上次去了 Barge Walk,今次嘗試往漢普敦公園(Hampton Court Park)走走。


My Boy’s New MTB 兒子的全新攀山單車

In my previous post, I had talked about getting a new bike for my son. This not only allowed him to ride with me during holidays but also help to reduce playing online games at home. After several rounds of product research and shop visits, I finally got his new bike last Saturday.

早前提過要為兒子買單車,除了放假時能與他出外遊玩,亦可盡量減少他留在家中玩 online games,經歷數輪資料搜集及實體店舖拜訪,上星期六終於收到新車。