WWDC 2020 Keynote 環球開發會議 2020 主題演講
今早看了 Apple 的 WorldWide Developer Conference (WWDC) 2020 Keynote,時間是香港6月23日零晨一點,大家可按以下連結去瞭解多一些。
Sharing of Cycling, Travel, Baking, DIY and personal feelings
今早看了 Apple 的 WorldWide Developer Conference (WWDC) 2020 Keynote,時間是香港6月23日零晨一點,大家可按以下連結去瞭解多一些。
I have written several unboxing posts covering life-style and IT related topics this month. To keep up the momentum, I have just completed another one.
Ever since I have quit my job in late 2017, I don’t have any notebook computer with me. This sounds a little bit inconvenient and I have been thinking of getting my next mobile platform for quite a while.