My New Chapter In Life @UK Blog


Milestone 里程碑

On 18 October 2017, I published my first post on this blog.

For a typical techie like me, taking up blogging might seem a little bit wired and quite a lot of my friends were really surprised.


對於一個從讀書、工作都是典型 Techie 的我,入手寫網誌是一個很奇怪的開始,亦令身邊很多朋友感到驚訝。



Eric Clapton was asked about how it felt to be the world’s best guitarist.

His response: “I don’t know. Ask Prince.”


Long Forgotten 久違了

It has been about two weeks since my boy’s school resumed lessons. Other than having to get up earlier to take him to school, I have the luxury to have more spare time in the morning.

As we did not have any outdoor activities for quite a while, my wife suggested to visit the Mount Parker Country Park today.




Let’s Talk About the 4:6 Method

Making a good hand drip or pour over coffee demands good understanding of coffee bean, grind level, coffee to water ratio and various pour over techniques, etc. Beginners or average coffee brewers like me will probably overwhelmed by the tremendous amount of information, jargons and techniques available over the Internet.


Divisibility Rules

Hello guys! It has been a long time since my last blog!

Today I’m going to share some interesting rules in Mathematics that is about “How to determine whether a given integer is divisible by a fixed divisor without actually performing the division”.


When Father & Son Meet

After a hard day’s housekeeping work, I finally sat down, picked up my guitar and played along those videos suggested by YouTube.

忙了一整天,終於可以坐下來,提起結他跟隨著 YouTube 推介的 video 一起彈奏。


Windows PC SSD Upgrade 硬碟升級

I have a 6 years old desktop Windows PC in my home that is mainly used by my wife. However, as my little boy is getting older and needed to use the computer as well, it became quite inconvenient to have them sitting in front of the desktop. I ended up buying notebook computers for them subsequently.

Despite that desktop PC is a little bit old, it still got the works perfectly done if just for daily home use or web surfing. The only downside is the slow PC startup time and that’s why I decided to replace the hard disk with a SSD.

家中一台已購置六年多的桌面 Windows PC 主要是給太太使用,但隨著兒子長大並開始接觸電腦,要他們安坐書枱前便有點不太方便,於是便轉用了筆記簿電腦。

雖然這台電腦有點舊,但如只用作日常的資料處理及上網,它還是升任有餘。唯一不足處是開機時間稍長,最近便決定為它的硬碟升級至 SSD。


朝聖之旅 – 堂本麵包店 Domoto Bakery Store

好一段時間沒有寫過烘焙有關的分享。還記得 2018 年尾臺灣之旅我拜訪了三間神級的烘焙店,之後也寫過兩篇朝聖之旅的文章,隨後因忙於攪自己的食店,第三篇被擱置一旁,今天就讓我為這個朝聖之旅系列來個終結吧!


First Love

That first love
the cruise by a lonely beach with a top down and salt water air
feels like dancing over the ocean
I know we can’t relive a memory
but may be we can rebuild one


治療系 (一)


只是怎麼樣的日子還是要過 ⋯


音樂、回憶 Music & Memories
