Category: Others


Can’t Stand the Pain 痛不欲生

I always believe I was a tough guy!

Able to ride 40+ KM back home with my right hand seriously injured after accident and even managed to fully recover within two months after my Coronary Artery Bypass Graft operation.

I remained strong throughout and never felt desperate.

However, I finally reacquaint myself in 2023!






A little update before Year End 年終前的生活點滴

In slightly less than 24 hours, 2022 will be in history. Despite I managed to achieve quite a number of my targets in the first half of the year, things were getting worst as I was terribly laid-back for the rest of the year. Judging from the ‘One-post-per-month’ of my blog writing, you will know what I meant. In fact, my personal loopback for November has already missed the schedule and probably (and hopefully) a bi-monthly version would be released shortly.

還有不到一天,2022 年便將成過去,上半年看似完成了很多目標,但無奈下半年卻像洩了氣的氣球一樣,變得不太積極,單從我最近每月一 post 便看得出端倪,而十一月的個人回望更早已脱期,相信要和十二月的一拼發佈!


My boy got his great achievement

Schedule for my boy’s Experiential Learning Journey in Singapore is quite tight. Students have to visit a secondary school, attend STEM related training at Singapore Polytechnic, doing programming work and finally present their works.


My boy is having his own overseas trip

My boy is going to Singapore for a 4-Day Experiential Learning Journey.

He has never been aboard without the company of us and this is the first time he is on his own along some of his classmates and teachers. A challenge to him as well as to us.