Category: Travel

black vehicle near mountain 4

Second Visit to Wales 再來個威爾斯之旅

My son just finished his Autumn Term before the Christmas holidays, and with a good ten days off, we’re planning to explore UK again. This time, my son wanted to experience a completely different kind of natural scenery.

兒子今年的 Autumn Term 在聖誕假期前剛完結,趁着有十多日的假期,我們又打算到處走走。今次兒子想感受一下截然不同的自然景色。


Lunar New Year Holidays 2024 農曆新年

Time flies and we are already three months into 2024! If you’ve been following my monthly look back, you probably know that I’ve been busy migrating my blog to a new server. Better than what I originally projected, the transfer of all contents had already been done last week. What remains is to monitor the new system and make any necessary tweaks; my life is finally back to normal.

話咁快 2024 又過了差不多四份一,大家如果有留意我最近的每月回顧,大概都知道我忙於轉移我的網誌去新的 server。上星期尾剛完成全部 contents 的搬動,剩下來是新系統的監察及作適當的微調,空間多一點,生活又可暫時回常。


Here comes Christmas Again 又到聖誕

2023 went much more quickly than I had thought and Christmas had already arrived. This was the third Christmas since arriving in the UK and festive vibes were around Kingston since late November. 

2023 年過得比我想像快很多,無驚無險又到了聖誕。 這是到英國後的第三個聖誕,早在十一月尾節日氣氛已濃𦋐整個 Kingston。


Summer Holiday 2023 – Day 1 暑期活動 2023 出發篇

To save some money on our trip, we chose the Avanti West Coast train departing from London Euston just before noon. The two-and-a-half-hour journey provided me a perfect opportunity to have a light lunch, read a book and catch a short nap.

因為要省錢,到 Lake District 的交通,我們選擇了中午前從 London Euston 開出的 Avanti West Coast 火車,兩個半小時的車程正好可以吃個輕便午餐,看看書再小睡片刻。


Summer Holiday 2023 暑期活動 2023

Time flies and half of the summer holidays has gone. As usual, my wife will work out the summer activities for our son. Last year, we spent a week in Scotland, and this year we will stay a bit closer, in The Lake District.

不經意地暑假又過了大半,一如往年,太太會為兒子安排暑期活動。 上年去了蘇格蘭,今年就稍為近一點,目的地是英國湖區,The Lake District。


Can’t Stand the Pain 痛不欲生

I always believe I was a tough guy!

Able to ride 40+ KM back home with my right hand seriously injured after accident and even managed to fully recover within two months after my Coronary Artery Bypass Graft operation.

I remained strong throughout and never felt desperate.

However, I finally reacquaint myself in 2023!






A little update before Year End 年終前的生活點滴

In slightly less than 24 hours, 2022 will be in history. Despite I managed to achieve quite a number of my targets in the first half of the year, things were getting worst as I was terribly laid-back for the rest of the year. Judging from the ‘One-post-per-month’ of my blog writing, you will know what I meant. In fact, my personal loopback for November has already missed the schedule and probably (and hopefully) a bi-monthly version would be released shortly.

還有不到一天,2022 年便將成過去,上半年看似完成了很多目標,但無奈下半年卻像洩了氣的氣球一樣,變得不太積極,單從我最近每月一 post 便看得出端倪,而十一月的個人回望更早已脱期,相信要和十二月的一拼發佈!


UK Horse Racing 英國賽馬活動

My wife recently asked if I would be interested to explore the British horse racing culture. Given that she would make all the necessary arrangement including the tickets, I had no reason not to immediately accept her offer.



Hiking Route – Tsing Yi Nature Trails 青衣自然徑

I normally went hiking in the Mount Parker country park, which is easily accessible and with sufficient distance as a workout. Hiking in the New Territories seems to be rare to me but I had one with my old classmates in Tsing Yi last month.



朝聖之旅 – 堂本麵包店 Domoto Bakery Store

好一段時間沒有寫過烘焙有關的分享。還記得 2018 年尾臺灣之旅我拜訪了三間神級的烘焙店,之後也寫過兩篇朝聖之旅的文章,隨後因忙於攪自己的食店,第三篇被擱置一旁,今天就讓我為這個朝聖之旅系列來個終結吧!


Things To Do In My Next Visit to Taiwan 下次到台灣應該做甚麼?




Status Update • Flash Visit to Taipei 狀態更新 • 快閃台北

It’s been quite a long time since I published my last blog post, 318 days to be exact.

2019 has been a busy and wonderful year to me where I have the chance to explore and learn so many things that I have never dreamt before. I am so lucky to have fully recovered, much stronger than before my cardiac operation. In addition, I also have the luxury to setup and run my own small cafe.




Lunar New Year Hiking 農曆新年行山活動

During the Lunar New Year Holidays, most of the shops and restaurants will be closed. Even you can find restaurant that is open for service, it will definitely include a 10% surcharge. Other than visiting relatives or friends, hiking is believed to be the most cost saving activities. Not only we can consume some of our free time, it will also bring good health to us and that’s why we had two hiking trips in this holidays.



Flash Travel – Tainan 快閃台南

n our past holiday travels, I would usually prepare detailed itinerary for the trip. However, as my boy is getting older, he has his own expectation on the travel and the places for our visit may change from time to time. As such, nowadays, I only planned for the flights and accommodations, the rest of the trip will only be worked out during the trip.

In my recent Taipei/Kaohsiung trip, we had made a flash travel to Tainan.




Boulangerie Nogami 朝聖之旅 – 野上麵包


If you still remembered that my classmate had got me two baking books while I was staying in the hospital, one of them is the “火頭工”, of which I had a review on it. The other one is the “野上智寛的麵包全圖解”, a book focusing on the recipe and baking techniques for breads sold in his bakery – Boulangerie Nogami. Despite I have not completed reading it, I was still eager to visit Boulangerie Nogami while I was in Taipei in last December.


Short Hiking Trip & Leisure Space in the Heart of the City 短程行山路線與鬧市中的悠閒空間


Our weekday hiking routes are normally focused around those short trails in the Hong Kong Island where we can have adequate time to pick up our little boy after school. The Sir Cecil’s Ride located in the eastern part of the Hong Kong Island that we hiked recently is one of the great choices.


First Encounter of YouBike 微笑單車的初邂逅

You may be surprised that I have not ridden any YouBike before despite that I have been to Taipei a number of times. The main reason is that I don’t have Easycard nor local phone number. For security reason, I also don’t want to use my credit card for one-time bike rental as well.




住在台北的老同學早前在面書上分享了羅大佑與音樂瘋子的傳奇派對音樂會。這個由羅大佑和王治平携手合作的Live Show,除了讓大家回味他過往的作品外,也提供一個平台給年輕樂團和樂手作表演。音樂會安排在每月最後的一個星期三晚上。
