Category: Random Things I Did


There is always a “First Time” 總有第一次

There are countless “First Time” in one’s life. The first time going to school, the first time taking up a job and the first time to fall in love with someone, etc. It always make people worried and nervous, no match how old you are. The same applied to me when I have my haircut today.

人生總有無數個 ⌜第一次⌟,第一次上學,第一次上班,第一次拍拖 ⋯,總會令人有點固慮、有些緊張。即使已經踏入七老八十的行列,亦無一倖免!就像我今天去剪髪,情况也一樣。


Long Forgotten 久違了

It has been about two weeks since my boy’s school resumed lessons. Other than having to get up earlier to take him to school, I have the luxury to have more spare time in the morning.

As we did not have any outdoor activities for quite a while, my wife suggested to visit the Mount Parker Country Park today.




治療系 (一)


只是怎麼樣的日子還是要過 ⋯


What a Big Surprise

One of the measures taken here in Hong Kong to address the outbreak of Novel Coronavirus is “Work from Home”.  Such practice had been extensively adopted by me before my retirement. The impact to...


Status Update • Flash Visit to Taipei 狀態更新 • 快閃台北

It’s been quite a long time since I published my last blog post, 318 days to be exact.

2019 has been a busy and wonderful year to me where I have the chance to explore and learn so many things that I have never dreamt before. I am so lucky to have fully recovered, much stronger than before my cardiac operation. In addition, I also have the luxury to setup and run my own small cafe.

