Author: mynewchapterinlife


Getting Your Old iMac to Speak ANT+ and BLE

Tired of running your bike training and virtual cycling system on your smartphone, tablet with tiny screens?

Constrained by the limited connectivity options and/or processing power of those smart devices?

If yes,  how about using your good old desktop platform or notebook to drive the bike trainer and connect to virtual cycling systems like Zwift or Golden Cheetah?


My Little Taekwondo Master

My little boy attended his Taekwondo examination yesterday evening. The examination was quite short and lasting not more than 15 minutes. However, it covered many aspects of his past learning like patterns execution, physical...


European Bread with a Taiwan Accent

My little boy is having school function today and so no outdoor activity for me as well. Since it is terribly hot in Hong Kong with temperature rising over 30ºC, baking at home sounds...


Kaohsiung Metro Train Services

During my stay in Kaohsiung, the Rapid Transit System (RTS) or “高雄都會區大眾捷運系統” is the major means of transportation in the Metro area.

Despite the history of the Kaohsiung Metro train services is relatively short, there are some interesting facts that I can share with you.


Dark Brown Sugar Artisan Bread

My little niece returned home for her Easter holiday in early April. During her stay, she talked about the dark brown sugar bread served in Outback Steakhouse and how delicious it is.

Rather than taking her to Outback, how about giving her a surprise? A loaf of freshly baked dark brown sugar bread sounds like a good idea.


Homemade Birthday Dinner for My Boy

Yesterday was my boy’s 10 years old birthday. With only six months of cooking experience, I am still not a good cook. Nevertheless, I should be able to feed my family (No complaint so far). As such, I decided to cook a birthday dinner for him.


Easter Holiday Ride – Journey to Revitalisation

Revitalisation of historical buildings as a means of preserving cultural and historical heritage is getting more significant nowadays. By injecting new usages to these buildings, it is expected that its life activities can be sustained.

Our second ride in Kaohsiung has been focused on one of the highly recognised revitalisation projects, the Pier 2 Art Center. We have also boarded the ferry at GuShan to the Cijin District (旗津半島)and have a wonderful sprint along the Cijin Cycling Promenade (旗津踩風大道).


Easter Holiday Ride – Riding in “Love”

When two people are in love, we will say “they are 沐浴愛河中” in Chinese (ie. bathing in the love river). However, one of the sweet ladies of my cycling team has her own interpretation:

Meaning that “Love River” is not only just for falling in love, but also a wonderful place to enjoy riding with good friends.


Build Your Own Bicycle Rack

I carried two bikes in my car taking up half of the seats. This looks good to me as I can ride whenever I want and save valuable space at home. The downside is some inconvenience in case I need to carry more passengers …


Hidden Treasure?

I was busy during the past weekend helping my brother-in-law to move into his next apartment.While packing up and checking items to be disposed, I came across an old camera bag that attracted my attention …


My First Electric Guitar 我的第一支電結他 – Yamaha RGX612S

This is my first electric guitar bought on Christmas of 1988. It is a Yamaha RGX612S and is one of those “Superstrats” that are extremely popular at that time.

1988 年的聖誕節我買了我的第一支電結他 – 日本山葉牌的 RGX612S。RGX 系列是山葉回應當時極度流行之"Superstrats"的電結他。


Indoor Bike Trainer 室內自行車訓練台

It has been about four years since I first seriously took up cycling.  From the early days where I could only ride a few kilometers per trip to the round-Taiwan cycling challenge years ago, I have developed quite a regular cycling habit. However, with the tremendous workload before I retired plus the occasional adverse weather condition, I can hardly keep up with the regular exercise …

騎自行車已有四年多,由最初每次只能騎乘數公里至今天已完成過臺灣環島,其間需要養成恒常的騎乘訓練,高峯期保持每星期兩天。但隨著早幾年工作量的增加,再加上要舟車勞頓到新界騎乘,很多時候都未能維持每週一次。如果天氣不佳,下大雨或受持續性的寒冷天氣影響,更易令人放棄 …


Hoi Nin Fan (First Meal of the Lunar Year) 開年飯

Today is the second day of the Lunar Calendar and is also the day where Cantonese will have our “Hoi Nin”. In our tradition, “Hoi Nin” means start of a year and “Hoi Nin Fan” that is the meal for “Hoi Nin” also signifies the start of a new year … 

今天是農曆年初二,亦是廣東人開年的日子。傳統上在今天吃過開年飯後,新的一年便正式開始 …


Turnip Rice Pudding (Lo Bak Gou) for Chinese New Year 賀年傳統食品 – 蘿蔔糕

Time flies, the Chinese New Year is coming and my wife suggested to prepare some festival food for celebration. There are a lot of traditional foods like Crispy Pastry Dumpling (Yau Kok), Sesame balls (Gin Dui), Glutinous Rice Cake (Lin gou) and Turnip Rice pudding (Lo Bak Gou).

In the good old days, most of these festival foods were homemade by our mothers or bought from supermarkets. Since we are free this year, we decided to make our own “Lo Bak Gou” …

歲月匆匆,瞬間農曆新年就到來,太太提議自行做些過年食品。傳統的過年食品有很多,例如油角、煎堆、年糕及蘿蔔糕等。以往這些食品都是家中老人家所做或從外購買,今年有時間,我們一家人就嘗試一下做蘿蔔糕吧 …


Extending My Old iMac’s life 令我的舊iMac回復青春

My first Apple iMac has been running for more than 6 years and is still doing its very best to support my normal day-to-day works. To be honest, 6-year is a very long time for a computer and my iMac starts to show its deficiency – start-up very slowly and unable to handle those resources intensive works like multimedia editing and program development …

不經不覺中,我的第一部Apple iMac桌上電腦已替我工作了六年多。日常工作它仍然升任,不會令你失望,只是歳月留痕,令它慢慢的追不上時代的步伐了,每次起動都需要花上十數分鐘。近來亦多了用它作視頻編輯及程式的開發,更令它吃不消 …