Turning Raspberry Pi into Shop Display 樹莓批電子餐牌顯示

Shortly after my retirement, I had bought a number of Raspberry Pi Single Board Computer for fun and DIY works. Projects that I had engaged included network based time-lapse camera and multi-nodes Docker Clusters. Later on, as I needed to focus on running my own cafe, all my Pi projects were shelved.

Luckily, I have more spare time nowadays and I may resume some of the project works.

剛退休時買了數片 Raspberry Pi (樹莓批)單板電腦,學習製作一些簡單的 DIY projects。先後做過些網絡縮時攝影機、Docker Cluster。後來因為需要集中精神攪好我的食店,只好暫時放下。


In my current setup of the cafe, I do have an electronic display system built on top of the Raspberry Pi.

Relaxed and let me share with you my shop display box.

其實在食店內我也有利用 Raspberry Pi 整合了我的電子顯示屏,就在這𥚃和大家分享一下。

My store front is quite small and menus are text based and preprinted by production house. As such, all the available items will be fixed in advance and normally will not be changed.

From time to time, we will also introduce seasonal dishes to supplement our menu.



In the early stage of the cafe operation, quite a number of customers have some kind of difficulties in choosing the right dish they wanted. With the assistance of the shop display, they can have a look of the final dish and this help in shortening of the ordering time.

Furthermore, we will also put in our new addition as well as those customised products for promotion purposes.



System Configuration 系統配置

As my partner is not an IT professional, I would like to have a simple system that doesn’t demand tedious operational support. In addition, workflow for all the subsequent contents/information updates should also be relatively straight forward.

My target system will be built on top of the Open-source Kodi Multimedia Player. Contents/Information upload will be handled by the FTPManager app while the system operation can be accomplished with the built-in Chorus2 Web Interface.

由於我的拍檔不是 IT 人,所以我希望能整合一個不需要繁複支援的系統;日常運作及資訊更新亦要盡可能簡單。

系統主要建立於 Kodi 這個免費開源多媒體播放器上,配合運行於手機上的 FTPManager app 把圖片上載至播放器,再利用 Kodi 內置的 Chorus2 Web Interface 作遙距操作。

電腦硬件則用上 Raspberry Pi,取其價廉,體積細小及低耗電的優點。

Hardware 硬件

  • Raspberry Pi 3 Model B
  • 24 inch LCD Display
  • VESA Wall Mount
  • HDMI cable

Software 軟件

  • OSMC (Open Source Media Center) Operating System for Raspberry Pi
  • FTPManager for iOS
  • Termius SSH Client for iOS (optional)

For details on the software download and installation procedure, refer to the following links:


Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Single Board Computer

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B 單板電腦

The enclosure for the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B.

Raspberry Pi 3 Model B 單板電腦外殼

System Integration 系統整合

Upon installation of OSMC, started up Raspberry Pi and selected “My OSMC -> Updates -> Manual Controls -> Scan for updates now” to refresh the OSMC software.

安裝好 OSMC 系統後,起動 Raspberry Pi 再揀選 “My OSMC -> Updates -> Manual Controls -> Scan for updates now” 為系統軟件更新。

Under Interface, changed Skin to Confluence.

改動 Interface 內的 Skin 選項為 Confluence

Make sure Control -> Web Interface is set to “Kodi web interface – Chorus2” and Startup -> Startup window is pointed to “Pictures“.

確定 Control -> Web Interface 設定是 “Kodi web interface – Chorus2“, Startup -> Startup window 指向 “Pictures

System related information can also be found in the “Summary” and “Hardware” tabs.

一些系統相關的資訊亦可在 “Summary” 及 “Hardware” 等地方找到。

Once the OSMC system settings been changed, let’s continue with the hardware integration.

Using cable ties, attached the Raspberry Pi to the VESA mount of the LCD display. Connected the power cable, HDMI cable and the external USB Storage Media, powered on the Raspberry Pi to start OSMC.


把 Raspberry Pi 用電線膠帶固定於顯示屏後的 VESA 支架上,插上電源、 HDMI 缐,USB 外置記憶體,便可以啟動 OSMC。

The Startup of the Raspberry Pi and the loading of OSMC should complete within 15 seconds.

只需約十五秒,OSMC 便起動完成及把 Kodi 自動載入。

Since my product photos will also be used in other promotion areas, I will save all the uploaded photo to an external USB storage media so that I can share them with other computing equipments.

In my case, just select the “Light Meals – Food Photos” folder for media display.

由於圖片亦會作其他宣傳之用,全部上載的圖片都是存放在 USB 外置記憶體上。

選擇日常所需的文件夾 (如 “Light Meals – Food Photos“) 作餐牌顯示。

Repeat the above two steps before Start-Of-Day to kick-off the shop display system.

As the underlying Raspberry Pi consumes very little power and demands no specific cooling facility, you may also consider to save the daily work and recycling the hardware box once a week.


另外因 Raspberry Pi 耗電量低及無須特別散熱,大家也可考慮省略這些操作,留待週末才重新啟動。

Day to Day System Operations 日常系統操作

System operation and update of uploaded information are two of the most important daily tasks of OSMC. I will make use of the following mobile Apps:

在 OSMC 的日常運作上,使用者最為關注是系統如何操作及資訊的更新,我會利用很以下的幾個手機程式:

  • Chorus – Remote control of OSMC 多媒體播放器遙距控制
  • Snapseed – Photo Editing 相片修圖
  • FTPManager – Contents upload 資訊 / 圖片上載
  • Termius – Remote login to OSMC 遠程登錄

You may also utilise other relevant mobile apps as appropriate.


Remote Control 遙距控制

Franky speaking, Chorus is not exactly an “App” and it doesn’t really exist. You just point you browser to the OSMC and all the remote controls are readily available.


     where <> is the IP address of OSMC

With the OSMC Chorus Web Interface, you can:

  • Modify settings of OSMC
  • Create playlist
  • Startup / Shutdown OSMC
  • Remote control OSMC

說實在,Chorus 不是一個真正手機程式,我們只需把溜灠器指向 OSMC。


     <> 是 OSMC 的 IP 地址

透過 OSMC Chorus Web Interface,可以:

  • 更改 OSMC 設定
  • 製作 playlist
  • 起動、關閉 OSMC
  • 遙距控制 OSMC

For more details on the “Chorus Web Interface”, you may consult the link below:

想瞭解 Chorus Web Interface 多些,大家可以參考以下連結:


Contents Update 資訊更新

After preparing sample of a new dish, I will take some promotion photos with my iPhone and make necessary highlighting with the Snapseed app.

在製作每一款新的菜式時,我會用手機拍攝製成品,配合 iPhone App 上的 Snapseed 做修圖及加上文字。

Use the FTPManager App to upload the edited photo to Raspberry Pi.

You needed to create the necessary SFTP connection to the Raspberry Pi before the first upload.

接著用 FTPManager App 上載至 Raspberry Pi。

在此之前,先要加上新的 SFTP Connection 至 Raspberry Pi。

Selected all the required photos and uploaded to the external USB storage attached to the Raspberry Pi.

揀選所需的相片及上載至 Raspberry Pi 的外置 USB 記憶體。

Remote System Login 遙距系統登入

If you would like to change some of the Raspberry Pi system parameters or directly manipulate the uploaded information, you may consider to remote login to the system via the Termius SSH client App.

如果需要在 Raspberry Pi 上修改系統參數或直接處理已上載的資訊,亦可以使用 SSH 客戶端手機 App “Termius” 登入。

Just a reminder: Use of the Termius or other remote login app demands considerable knowledges of the underlying Raspbian OS (Debian Linux) system.

請留意此程式需要使用者對 Raspbian OS (Debian Linux) 系統有一定的認識。

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