2018 回顧 Review / 2019 展望 Resolutions

2018 will be leaving us within an hour, looking back at all those targets that I had established for 2018, seems like some of those had been achieved while the rest are not yet started. In fact, there were other things that came all out of expected. Anyway, this is life and I have to accept them all.

時間比我想像過得更快,2018年尚有不足一小時便成歷史,回望這一年,部份的目標叫作落實了,但也有些尚未開始,更有些事情完全是意料之外; 好的、不如意的,我也會照單全收。

2018 Review 回顧

  • Learn to cook western cuisine – Managed to fry steak, pork fillet, pasta and desserts
  • Establish reading targets to broaden my knowledge – Read books spanning across architecture, interior design, photography, coffee, baking, bicycle maintenance and computer programming
  • Have an in-depth review of myself and identify new direction in life – Not much progress
  • 為家人肚子拼搏,學習西菜料理 – 總算學䁱了煎牛排、豬排,紅酒炇牛尾,意粉及簡單的甜品等菜色,家人也沒投訴
  • 定立閲讀目標,為不同範疇多作學習 – 這一年重拾昔日的夢想,看多一點建築、室內設計的書,也更深入的研讀關於攝影、咖啡、烘焙、單車維修及電腦程式開發的讀物
  • 重新認識自己,發掘新的方向 – 仍停滯不前

My health condition also gone bad in this year. Despite doctors could not determine root causes of my two incidents of losing conscious while riding, they urged me to undertake the Coronary artery bypass surgery in view of my extent of blocking. That was an extremely dangerous surgery with high degree of complexity. Luckily my recovery have shown very good progress and I am now being considered as fully recovered. The cycling activity that have been suspended for few months can be resumed next year (yes, that is tomorrow).

Thank a lot for the caring by my wife, my little boy, my brother and sister that help me to recover so soon. I would also like to express my gratitude to all my old classmates and friends who provide me with the support. You all made my life shine.



2019 New Year’s Resolutions 新的展望

A lot of issues happened to me in 2018, I suddenly found out that sometimes you don’t really need any new year’s resolution.

Life is too short, just enjoy everyday of your life.



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