Build Your Own Bicycle Rack

I carried two bikes in my car taking up half of the seats. This looks good to me as I can ride whenever I want and save valuable space at home. The downside is some inconvenience in case I need to carry more passengers.

One Road Bike & One MTB in my 7-seat people carrier

You may wonder why I didn’t use external car mount.

Like most of the people in Hong Kong, I live in flat and don’t have the luxury to have my own garage to keep my bikes in a safe place. External car rack for storage is not an option to me.

I plan to put them back at home but due to the limited spaces, I have to work out a space efficient bike storage solution.

Well, every successful project starts with a good project plan, here is mine:


  • Utilise off-the-shelf rack or storage system to minimise the building work
  • Re-use existing materials whenever possible
  • Equip with flexibility in future expansion to carry more bikes 🤣

Draft design:

Draft design for the DIY Bike Rack

Building Works

After some research works, I have selected the Ikea IVAR Storage System and the Shimano PRO bicycle Wall Hook as the basic building blocks.

Ikea IVAR Storage Rack
Shimano PRO Bicycle Wall Hook

To fix the wall hooks to the IVAR storage rack, some customisation is required. Here the re-use of wooden boards left over from an old Ikea MALM chest comes into play.

Customised bike mounting board
Assembled Bike Wall Hooks (Old and new version)

With few hours of hard work, my DIY bike rack is ready for use.

DIY Bike Rack ready for the fine-tuning
DIY Bike Rack ready with one Road Bike
DIY Bike Rack with both Road Bike & MTB mounted
DIY Bike Rack – Side view
DIY Bike Rack – Close-Up view

By the way, looks like I can add the third wall hook … 🤣

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5 Responses

  1. Eric says:

    way to go bro!!

  1. 30 October 2021

    […] of suffering, I decided to give her a good home.Just like what I had done several years ago, I can build an in-house DIY bike rack. However, as we are still renting a temporary apartment, I dropped the idea as such a DIY bike rack […]

  2. 20 March 2024

    […] of suffering, I decided to give her a good home.Just like what I had done several years ago, I can build an in-house DIY bike rack. However, as we are still renting a temporary apartment, I dropped the idea as such a DIY bike rack […]

  3. 10 May 2024

    […] Recently, I decided to build a bike rack to hold these two bikes, just like the bike rack I made years ago in Hong Kong. […]

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