Summer Holiday 2023 暑期活動 2023

Time flies and half of the summer holidays has gone. As usual, my wife will work out the summer activities for our son. Last year, we spent a week in Scotland, and this year we will stay a bit closer, in The Lake District.

不經意地暑假又過了大半,一如往年,太太會為兒子安排暑期活動。 上年去了蘇格蘭,今年就稍為近一點,目的地是英國湖區,The Lake District

Lake District – Map extracted from official website of the Lake District National Park

As the name implies, the Lake District is a district of lakes (Sounds a bit redundant!). It is located in the county of Cumbria in the northwest of England and is also home to the largest national park in England, known as The Lake District National Park. The park covers an area of approximately 2,362 square kilometers. Since this is our first visit to the Lake District, we plan to focus our stay besides the largest lake in England, Windermere, and explore nearby towns and attractions.

顧名思義,湖區就是一個佈滿湖泊的區域 (這説法有點癈!),位於英格蘭西北部的 Cumbria 郡,亦是英格蘭最大的國家公園 (The Lake District National Park),佔地約 2,362 平方公里。 今次是我們第一次去,打算放下貪念,收窄範圍只以英格蘭 (England) 最大的湖泊 Windermere 為基地,遊覽鄰近小鎮及景點。

Windermere – Map extracted from official website of the Lake District National Park

As June to August will be the peak tourist season in the Lake District, hotel accommodations tend to be tight in supply. After gathering the necessary information, my wife booked a hotel at the end of July and in just two more days, we’ll be setting off.

The Lake District is about three hundred miles away from our home, and driving there normally takes around five hours. To avoid me getting too tired, my wife suggested taking the train. This transportation arrangement is certainly more comfortable, but the train fares are terribly high exceeding two hundred pounds, which is enough to cover several meals for us!

由于每年六至八月是 Lake District 的旅遊高峯期,酒店住宿較為緊張,太太做好資料收集後便在七月尾訂了酒店,還有兩天便起程。

The Lake District 離我家約三佰英哩,駕車約需五小時,為避免我太疲纍,太太建議搭火車。這交通安排當然比較舒適,但代價則是二佰多鎊的車費,足以一家人吃很多餐飯!

So, what can we do in the Lake District?

People typically go for activities such as swimming, boating, fishing on the lakes, hiking and cycling across various mountains as well as visiting famous towns nearby. Of course, nothing is completed without enjoying the local cuisine.

For us, we will take a more relaxed approach by not making too many plans in advance. Just bring along our travel guidebook and mobile phones, and go wherever we like!

在 The Lake District 可以做甚麽呢?



Our Travel Guide for The Lake District

Of course, we can’t go without our cycling equipments.


Ready for cycling

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9 Responses

  1. Ho yeah! 期待呀!

  2. 清風明月 says:


  3. 好羨慕啊﹗我很想去湖區的啊。

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