Life is just Bits and Pieces 生活就是一些無聊的點滴

Since moving into our new apartment in late May, it seems that I was extremely busy. Spending most of the time tidying up those bits and pieces, moving the furniture around and went shopping household items. I considered myself so exhausted that I didn’t even have the mood to write any post for this blog.

Month end is coming soon and the figures for the page visit is terribly discouraging. I couldn’t help but to write post like this on some bored to death issues, in an attempt to get some more traffic.


月尾又快到,翻看 WordPress 的到訪數據,這個月真的可説是慘淡經營,無奈的唯有寫篇無聊點滴來幫補一下。

I got our beds and mattresses from Marks & Spencer in April but those mattresses delivered came with damages and stains. Replacement arrived yesterday which I expected the issue could finally be settled. Out of luck, the mattress for my son still had some visible stains. The customer service team asked if another shipment should be made or I would like to accept a compensation discount as the delivery might take another six weeks. Despite that was quite annoying, I was still pleased with Marks & Spencer’s customer service and would like to take another attempt.

One of those greatest achievements I had after moving to UK is that I learnt to think of the best side and try not to exaggerate on the adverse side. Nothing is end of the world and there will be ways to address those unpleasant issues.

You may consider this as some kind of self consolation but at least I lived a happier life.

數月前在 Marks & Spencer 買了全屋寐具,可是送來的兩張床褥有污漬及破損,等了個多月,新的床褥今天補送回來。正以為一切終於可完結,怎料其中兒子的一張還是帶有點污漬。送貨同事即時上報,客戶服務除了作一連串的道歉外,亦建議可安排再補送或提供拆扣作補償。雖然整件事真的不太如意,但對 Marks & Spencer 的服務還是頗滿意,再等多一次吧!



Speaking of recent unpleasant things , I have to talk about my bike tyres.

Few days ago, I got a puncture on my rear bike tyre while the front tyre was also slowly running flat. Not sure if these were related to my recent bike trips with my wife on those gravel trails along the banks of River Thames.

Well, no big deal, go and replace them.

Problem came after some product research.

I’m currently running pairs of 700x23c road bike Tubeless tyre but unfortunately, those available here in UK are 700x25c or the most dominant one, 700x28c instead. To be honest, I was quite frustrated as I couldn’t get the tyres online or even nearby bike shops. However, I was abruptly alerted by comment from technician at Balfes’s Bikes:

I don’t see any season to go tubeless with road bike wheel

That definitely applicable to amateur cyclist like me. Those reduction in inner tube weight or rolling friction will have no significant benefits to me. Whereas the saving in costs will sure help!





我的輪組用上的是 700x23c 的 Tubeless 軚,而現時英國出售的多是 700x25c 或 700x28c,而以後者為主流的。網上找不到,走訪附近多間單車店亦沒有太多現貨。 失意之餘,忽然給 Balfe’s Bikes 技師一句話摑醒:

I don’t see any season to go tubeless with road bike wheel


With some price comparison works, I ended up going to Sigma Sport‘s main store at Hampton Wick to get my Continental Grand Prix 4 Season folding tyres and Specialized Presta Value inner tubes. The reason I chose these items over the Schwalbe Pro One Evo TLE I previously had, was durability and it definitely more fit for the type of roads I normally go on.

Well, another 96 pounds of spending!

比較了價錢一輪後便走到 Hampton WickSigma Sport 總店買了所需的 Continental Grand Prix 4 SeasonSpecialized Presta Valve 內胎。相比原本用開的 Schwalbe Pro One Evo TLE,這個選擇主要是以耐用性為考慮重點,亦比較適合在英國的日常騎行路線。


Continental Grand Prix 4 Season tyres and Specialized Presta Valve inner tubes

Prices for tyres and inner tubes in UK normally don’t come with installation included. Even some shops do, the service charges are definitely not cheap.

Despite I have been riding for almost nine years, I feel ashamed that I have no experience in tyre replacement. Guys at bike shops in Hong Kong usually done this for me in the past. Seems like I have to get assistance from YouTube again and probably GCN Tech is one of the good sources.


説來慚愧,雖然騎了八、九年單車,以往這些工作都是單車店同事代勞,我自己從沒有真正換過軚,看來要去找 YouTube 大神來幫幫忙。而 GCN Tech 可算是一個不錯的選擇。

With the set of new tyres, inner tubes and tyre levers ready, let me kick-start my first bicycle tyre replacement project.


Materials ready for replacement
Tool for the replacement work – ParkTool Tyre Levers

Having the puncture for a number of days, the rear wheel was almost deflated. Tubeless sealant was also leaking along the rim.

經過數天,後輪已差不多完全洩氣,Tubeless sealant 亦從輪圈邊滲出。

After removing the tyres, it was found that tubeless sealant was almost gone. The situation for the rear tyre was quite terrible with only the water-based solvent let behind. That might explain why the sealant could not effectively fix the tyre puncture. The front tyre was slightly better with a small amount of latex substance still floating around.

Judging from the tyre surface, the puncture was quite big!

拆開輪軚,發覺 tubeless sealant 已留失不少。後輪只留下水溶性的部份,難怪未能有効地修補破損了輪軚。前輪則好一點,尚有一些奶水似的 sealant。


Poured out the remaining sealant, clean up the rims and it was ready to start the tyre installation.

In case directional tyres were used for the replacement, take note of the Rotation mark on the sidewall and mount them to align with the direction of movement.

倒出剩餘的 Sealant,拆出舊輪軚及清潔好輪圈後,便可安裝新輪軚及內胎。

有一點要留意,如果使用的輪軚具方向性,一定要確保它的 Rotation Mark 與單車的行走方向一致。

Make sure the rotation direction of the GP4 tyre is inlined with the direction of movement

Gradually installed the tyre and inner tube based on the GCN Tech training video. Applied suitable gas pressure to the tyres and job done!

跟著 GCN Tech 教學影片,順序安裝輪軚、內胎,再打入適當氣壓便可完成。

Job done

Once the installation work was done, went for a short road test to ensure everything was in a good shape.


Field test to ensure everything is in a good shape

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15 Responses

  1. Karl says:

    I can fit 28’s on my rim TCR. Running tubeless carbon wheels with 65/75 lbs. front/rear.
    This combo really softens the ride on a an extremely stiff and light frame.

    Yes, the learning curve and fitting tubeless can be frustrating, but eventually resolves to an amazingly comfortable and responsive performance. Sorry, but I can’t imagine riding 23mm clinchers on UK roads, let alone grave…yikes🤪

    On a more upbeat note… I’m glad to hear you’re getting settled, and back to riding. I’m looking forward to your future countryside outings.

    • I believed you are referring to your TCR Adv SL which should come with 25c as standard. Mine with the puncture was an aluminium TCR SLR1. An extremely stiff frame so you can imagine how terribly I’ll be with 23c on UK roads, especially when the wheels are 100/110 lbs. 😱😱

      BTW, thank you for the blessing and my life should gradually back to normal. Stayed tune for the upcoming adventure! 😊

  2. 在英國是不是很多人用單車通勤呢?我以前有個同事回英國後,我看他好像都騎單車上下班

    • 對呀,每天都會看到很多單車通勤人仕,有男有女,不同年紀,亦有不少學生騎車上學。近期油價急升,騎行者更多。

  3. 這裡很多騎公路車的都懂換輪胎,公路車爆輪胎機會較大,參加公眾騎車活動,主辦方都叫大家一定要帶後備內胎和簡單的補輪胎工具。有一次跟大伙兒騎車,有個女的就真的爆了輪胎,她不懂換,要勞動領隊幫手。

  4. 財散人安樂啦

  5. When you live in UK for long enough, you will learn to DIY everything, it’s much easier than relying on traders

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