
My friend has shared with me her first self filmed video tonight. To my surprise, she managed to present the solid contents fluently for more than 20 minutes without any preparation. Seems like this budding KOL is full of potential.

In her video, she had mentioned the syllable “Om“, that associated with the concept of “cosmic sound” (taken from Wikipedia and correct me if I’m wrong). I don’t have much knowledge on this but somehow I think of a song or an album from the local artist “Danny Summer” – Om III.

No more bullshit from me, just listen.

朋友今晚分享了她第一次自拍的視頻,在沒有任何事前準備下,除了內容充實外,她亦能流暢地演繹了二十多分鐘,看來這個末來 KOL 潛質真不可低估。

她在視頻𥚃提曾到 “” (Om),就是印度教裡所講的 “宇宙中所出現的第一個音” ( 節錄自 Wikipedia;如果有錯,請通知一聲 )。我對此認識不多,但反而令我想起本地歌手”夏韶聲“的一首歌,又或者是他的一個專輯 – 諳 III


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4 Responses

  1. I keep listening the song, very good!!! Yes! It is the word ~ Om. I just knew about this Song, the lyrics is so inspiring and meaningful!!! Deep Thanks 🙏🏻 and this song the chorus part is so touching !

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