A Brighter Tomorrow 明天會更好

My family had another hike on Christmas Eve, or to be more exact, morning of Christmas Eve. This looked like kind of strange Christmas celebration, but we can’t help as this is the norm of the year. You can’t go abroad, no group gathering, and probably hiking is a more safe activity. However, my family still have to go in group of two, in order not to violate the social gathering ban and got arrested.

Just like what we have in the past, our journey started from Kennedy Road in Wanchai to the Wanchai Gap Playground. Along Coombe Road, Barker Road, Plantation Road to the Peak Galleria and then to the top of the peak, the Victoria Peak Garden. You may refer to my previous post for this route.

2020 年的平安夜,其實只是早上的日子,和家人去了行山。沒法子,經歷了不一樣的一年,外遊不得,朋友聚會又不可以,戶外行山應該較安全,只是一家人仍要分成二人一組,避免違反限聚令而被捕。


Victoria Peak Garden 山頂公園

I supposed that was the end of today’s journey. However, to our surprise, my boy expected to return to Wanchai following the original track. All of a sudden, the 9 Km trip became 18 Km instead. What more miserable was that only the boy had his McDonald meal at the Peak Galleria. My wife and I had to return to Wanchai for our late late afternoon tea!

本來以為行程就此完結,怎料兒子竟然說要走回頭路返灣仔;原本約 9 公里的路程突然變成 18 公里。更慘的是只有兒子吃過麥記,我和太太要四點多返回灣仔後,才有機會吃個下午茶!

So are we the only unlucky one?

Definitely not! Those shops in the Peak Galleria, that mainly served the overseas tourists are much more miserable!

At this moment where there was no overseas tourists, most of those trendy tea shops, dessert shops are empty and without any customers. Just like me, I believe most of the local people in Hong Kong are not willing to pay much more than usual here.

While I was looking around, I found some of the shopkeepers, waiter/waitress were sitting there with nothing to do and some were even day dreaming.

If the pandemic persist, possibly another round of shop closing is coming and more people will be losing their jobs.




Initially there were failures in policy, but with the wide-spreading of the pandemic, I believed no one will disagree that the government is not getting the right job done. Pandemic plus series of human failures, probably we can’t escape from this disaster.


I’m not those who like reminiscing. Rather than indulging the past glories of Hong Kong, let’s be more positive. Don’t sigh, don’t give up and stay strong to face the challenges ahead.

A 40+ years old song to all of us, Tomorrow Will Be Better (“明天會更好“). 💪💪💪💪💪

A little side-track, how many artists you know in the video?


送上四十多年前的一首歌,明天會更好。 💪💪💪💪💪


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2 Responses

  1. 「明天會更好」係一首我好喜歡的歌,也是我第一首哼著學煲東瓜的歌,起碼識10 個歌星!
    對呀,真是好慘⋯ 交租,人工,其他其實做老闆好辛苦!

  2. 十個,算唔錯喎 👍

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