End of an era 時代的終結
A friend of mine told me last night that she would get a new TV for Digital TV Broadcast service. This reminded me the old Analog TV Broadcast service will come to an end effectively on 1 of December.
The development of the Hong Kong Digital TV Broadcast service started in end 1998. With several years of planning and preparation, the pilot test was first launched on 31 December 2007 to selected districts in Hong Kong, simultaneously with the analog TV broadcast service.
At that time, I just got a new “HD Ready” LCD TV. Don’t get me wrong, “HD Ready” only and not “Full HD” that we have today as the basic standard setup. In order to enjoy the Digital TV broadcast, I also bought a Digital TV Settop Box. Have it delivered the Digital TV signal right from the wall-mounted public antenna.
還記得當年剛巧換了一部”HD Ready”的LCD電視,留意是”HD Ready“,而非今天基本配置的”Full HD (全高清)“。為了欣賞數碼廣播,還特別購置了一個數碼電視機頂盒,把數碼電視訊號經大厦的公共天線接上LCD電視。
Probably a lot of Hong Kong people are familiar with this Digital TV Settop box, and “Eight (8)” used to be an extremely famous product brand. However, with the ongoing development of Smart TV, Digital TV reception has formed part of the basic features and those Settop boxes are gradually withdrawn from market.
相信很多香港人不會對這個高清數碼電視機頂盒感到陌生,而 “EIGHT (8)“亦曾是香港一個著名品牌。隨著智能電視的發展,數碼電視接收已內置為電視的基本功能,高清數碼電視機頂盒亦逐漸在市場上消失。
As stated by the Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development, Mr Edward Yau:
It is a worldwide trend to implement full digital TV broadcast. Not only does digital TV outperform analogue TV in terms of audio and picture quality, it also allows valuable spectrum resources to be utilised more effectively. Spectrum vacated can be used for various purposes, including high value-added mobile telecommunications services, such as 5G, and to enhance network capacity and relieve congested data traffic at indoor mobile hotspots, such as MTR stations. The switch to full digital broadcast helps support Hong Kong’s overall telecommunications services and smart city development
Regarding those benefits, I believe there should be no objection.
It took about 22 years to rollout Digital TV Broadcast in Hong Kong and one of the prime objectives is to provide quality audio/video broadcast service to the general public. However, how many of you are still watching TV programme nowadays? You should have the answer, right?
Taking me as an example, I rarely watched TV programme since the birth of my boy!
To be honest, what is the audience’s expectation? Audio/Video quality or programme contents?
If TV programme provider is not moving forward, definitely it will be replaced by those OnDemand video platforms shortly.
Interestingly enough, by the time you have enhanced or replaced those aging analog TV broadcast service with great efforts, the demand on service was already gone!
And on 11:59pm, 30 November 2020, the old analog TV Broadcast service came to its end in Hong Kong. This marked the end of an era and Hong Kong will step into its full launch of Digital TV Broadcast service.
But is this the only thing that marked the end of an era in Hong Kong? ⋯
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老板爸爸你是否個wp 轉了 background theme ar , 好靚呀! 好舒服呀個格式。 真是⋯ 時代終結,你知不知道邊個見證熄機的曆史~ 梁家榮 (他上任時不是reputation 好好但頂上頭的任務頂到而家)
咁啱飯後和老闆又傾起梁生。我都要say sorry,誤會了他,he has my respect 🙇🏽♂️
真是不易~ 他背隻夠厚,腳夠硬淨
Dear mynewchapterinlife and Wu Ming 無明,
In my country, the phasing out of old analog TV broadcast service that used PAL transmission began on 30 June 2010 and was completed by 10 December 2013.
Dear SoundEagle 🙂
HK Govt offers us plenty of time to switch from analog to digital. However, I didnt have a television at home for many years, until recently I bought one, it was mainly for decoration :p haha 😆
Abit ironic, but the TV is a natural way to cover up all handset cables, and other little things at the back.
I catch up daily news via internet:)