Milestone 里程碑

On 18 October 2017, I published my first post on this blog.

For a typical techie like me, taking up blogging might seem a little bit wired and quite a lot of my friends were really surprised.


對於一個從讀書、工作都是典型 Techie 的我,入手寫網誌是一個很奇怪的開始,亦令身邊很多朋友感到驚訝。

Upon my retirement, I planned to jump out of my comfort zone and would like to pick up some challenges and blogging was one of those.

Initially, my focus was placed on the environment setup of the WordPress platform as well as the Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) works.

Subjected to the constraints of the free blogging platform offered by WordPress, I quickly switched to the Premium Plan for the enhanced features. While having a more personalised platform outlook, I also got prepared for some eCommerce opportunities that I might pick up in the near future.

So will I upgrade to the WordPress Business or eCommerce plans?

Well, I have considered the possibilities but somehow deferred the decision to later stages. The costly monthly subscription fee is the major concern for an amateur blogger like me.

Frankly speaking, no matter how great your blog appears, content is still the soul of your blog.

In my early days of blogging, most of my posts were related to IT topics or sharing of my personal adventures.


That was what my wife perceived with my narrative type of writing. A fact that I couldn’t deny.

Writing & expressing myself in words have never been a strength of me and as a content based blogger, this is also one of the hardest tasks to me.

I am fond of reading posts from two WordPress bloggers that I have followed. Literature, books review, movies or religion, no matter what topics they talked about, they managed to deliver the theme in an easy to understand way. Sometimes, they also wrote on personal sharing. However, hidden inside their lively and witty tones were their words of wisdom or irony on injustice observed.

Haha, I need to learn from them.

Another reason for being a blogger is to establish a role model for my boy. I would like him to practise more on writing skills rather than just focusing on technical know-how in his academic development.

You means nothing if you can’t really express yourself in words.

當日的決定主因是想跳出自已的 comfort zone,接受一些新的挑戰。

早期網誌的重點是圍繞著 WordPress 平台的設立,搜尋引擎的最佳化。

基於免費 WordPress 平台的局限,我很快便把網誌升級至進階版,在增添個性化外觀的同時,亦為日後可能會涉獵的電貿發展作出準備。




早期所寫的大都是一些 IT 相關的題材,又或是自己個人經歷的分享。

太太説我的敘述式寫作手法很悶,欠缺吸引力! 這個我是完全同意的。

文字從來不是我的強項,更遑論思想上的表達,要執筆寫字 (“打字” 比較正確),雖然未致於攞命,但仍算是一件艱難的事。



寫網誌的另一原因是想建立一個正面的 role model 給兒子,希望他可鍛煉寫作,不要只側重在數理上的學術發展。


So after 1121 days, what have I got?

Just take a quick review of my blog’s statistics:

  • I have written a total of 133 posts, about one every 8 days; my boy has also done a good job too, with a total of 5 posts
  • Readers of my blogs spanned across 146 countries / citys which mainly from Hong Kong (38%), United States (10%), Singapore (10%), Taiwan (8%) and United Kingdom (5%)
  • The most popular posts were focused around IT equipment upgrade projects, cycling as well as hiking

In the meantime, my blog has 145 followers. Probably I must work harder to attract more followers.



  • 原來我已寫了 133 篇分享文,平均 8 天一篇;而兒子也算不錯,亦有 5 篇
  • 瀏覽者橫跨 146 個國家 / 城市,主要是來自香港 (38%),美國 (10%),新加坡 (10%),臺灣 (8%) 及英國 (5%)
  • 最受歡迎的題材是電腦器材升級,單車及行山

幾經辛苦,我的網誌暫時有 145 位追隨者,這點相信仍要多加努力去開拓一下。

Today, my blog has finally passed the 50,000 views mark and with around 33,600 visitors.

I would like to express my sincere gratitude to all the readers like you. Thank you for all your support!

到了今天,我的網誌終於超越了 50,000 次的瀏覽大關,到訪人數亦差不多有 33,600 名


Let’s keeping up the great work! 💪💪

好,為明天繼續努力吧! 💪💪

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All Rights Reserved.Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to ‘MyNewChapterInLife’ and ‘MyNewChapterInLife/’ with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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9 Responses

  1. 我blog 齡10 年呀, 得120 個readers 乍
    未計我當初屈人follow 個2 個朋友仔,她們係唔睇- 我喜歡麵包🥯post ar!!!! 我好開心呀,可以在wp 遇到你,你所有的posts 我其實睇哂! 係好肯定睇哂! 我喜歡blog 世界ar 因為我真實世界的朋友仔全部好~ um… 正路lor, 返工放工,睇手袋 說男友/老公⋯ 咁我冇得分享丫麻⋯ 咪自己玩lor ~

  2. 咁妳即係話我唔正路啫🤬

    不過還是要多謝妳捧場先 🙇🏽‍♂️ 更要感謝妳們的分享同互動,令我學到很多從未接觸過的事物 🙌

    • 粉絲多呀! 我今天呀先啱啱多1 個follower, 變成121 個readers ~ 我也好開心呀,我從你到學到好多架,也喜歡老闆的blog ~ 🙌🏻 我而家在摷緊相呀 , 你話幾開心

  3. Karl says:

    I appreciate you are translating to English; Cycling, Bakery, Guitars, and fun things to do in Hong Kong.
    Hope to ride with you one day.

  4. Congratulations! 加油你!

  5. Congratulations! 恭喜!

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