Time to Call for your helping hands 大家幫幫手

To be honest, I have not established any New Year’s resolutions for the past few years. The main reason was that I often aim high but lack the ability eventually. Nevertheless, I still need to setup some new initiative for the year to come.

Last year, the focus was on bicycle maintenance and repair, which costed me quite a bit. This year, I believed saving is more essential. My plan is to migrate my ‘New Chapter in LifeWordPress site to a self-hosted platform.

Being an old IT guy, I need to embrace more challenges and explore technical areas that I had not touched in my workplace before.

My initial goal is to explore and utilise the following technologies:

  • WordPress.org software for self-hosting
  • Docker containers
  • Cloudflare Tunnel

More details with be shared later.

這幾年都沒有定下冗長的新年願望,皆因往往是我眼高手低,最終一事無成。 不過話雖如此,年頭怎樣都要攪點新意思。

上一年重點做單車維修,多用了一點錢,今年改過主題,要節流,打算稍後把我的 “New Chapter in LifeWordPress site 搬往自建的平台。

作為一個 IT 人,都要加多點挑戰,順便嘗試一些以往在職場上從未接觸過的技術範疇。


  • WordPress.org 軟件
  • Docker 容器
  • Cloudflare Tunnel


After two weeks of trial and error, a basic self-hosted WordPress blog has been set up on my aging Intel NUC, and another UK version of ‘My New Chapter in Life‘ is up and running.

To test the new WordPress environment and to identify areas for subsequent fine tunings, I would like to ask all subscribers and visitors to browse my new WordPress blog at the following address and provide me your feedback and/or valuable suggestions for improvement.

經過這兩星期的學習,一個基本的 Self-hosted WordPress blog 已在我的一部舊 Intel NUC 上建立好,而另一個英國版的 “My New Chapter in Life” 亦已在運行中。

為了測試全新的 WordPress 環境,以作日後的系統修正,我要麻煩各位 subscriber 及到訪朋友們,請到以下網址瀏覽我的新 WordPress blog。 如果方便的話,亦請大家給我一些意見或需改善的地方。

Part of the existing blog posts has been copied to the new site for initial testing. Should there be no adverse issue, the rest of the existing blog posts will be migrated to the new environment subsequently. In addition, new post will also be published on both websites simultaneously.


Copyright © MyNewChapterInLife / MyNewChapterInLife/mynewchapterinlife.blog, 2024

All Rights Reserved.Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to ‘MyNewChapterInLife’ and ‘MyNewChapterInLife/mynewchapterinlife.blog’ with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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10 Responses

  1. 我睇咗3 次 我IT 白痴 完全唔識 那 但你去邊我都follow 和like 你, um 瞓覺先
    Good night

  2. The GPS Gal says:

    All the best in achieving your goals for 2024! 💪💪

  3. Jean says:

    Looks ok but then I didn’t go through new site much. I look forward reading about bike trips in Taiwan.

  4. 講IT,我是完全白痴。我也沒有什麼新年願望,跟你一樣,通常到頭來都冇咗件事。

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