Slow Cooked Beef Ragù Pasta 慢煮肉醬意大利粉

For the past few years living in the UK, the food we enjoyed most was Italian pasta. If you remembered my previous post about testing out my son’s new bicycle, that small Italian cafe, Little Italy in Sunbury, is our favourite and we visited there almost every one or two weeks. We loved their homemade pasta. In addition to the fixed selection on the menu, the cafe also offered several special pasta dishes daily. I usually ordered those special pasta, giving me great opportunities to try various Italian pasta.

May be I should write a post about Little Italy in the near future and share their delicious food.

I once tried their Pappardelle and found it extremely good. Unfortunately, they had not offered the dish for quite a while. I am so miss it and decided to cooked it myself. After searching online for recipes, I finally came to this receipe available from recipetineats. You can refer to the following YouTube video for the instructions.

在英國生活的日子,食得最多就是意大利 pasta。 如果有留意之前和兒子試他的新單車的一篇,那間位於 Sunbury 的意大利小店 Little Italy 就是我家的至愛,差不多一、兩個星期都會去一次。 我們喜歡 Little Italy 的自家製 pasta,除了餐牌上固定的選擇外,老闆每天都會加入數個特式 pasta。 基本上我一定會揀選特式 pasta,讓我可嘗試到各式的意大利粉。

日後我應該寫一篇關於這小店的 post,分享一下他們的美食。

曾經食過他們的 Pappardelle,我覺得很不錯,但近期他們較少提供這款式,令我有點心思思,決定自行試煮。 上網找了一輪做法,最後揀了這個 recipetineats 的菜單, 做法可参考以下的 YouTube video。

Those ingredients were readily available in most of the supermarkets such as Sainsbury’s. As some of us don’t enjoy celery, I replaced it with small white baby mushrooms. Furthermore, for a slow-cooking recipe like this, beef brisket would be more suitable. I got a more reasonably size portion from a nearby Lidl store and of course, at a more favourable pricing as well.

After preparing all the ingredients, I placed them in my beloved Ikea cast-iron pot and slow-cooked for about two hours. Once the beef brisket became tender, turned off the hob.

食材可於一般超市如 Sainsbury’s 買到,因為家人不喜歡吃西芹,我改用小白蘑菇。由於是慢煮,我在附近的 Lidl 買了 beef brisket ,份量較適中而價錢亦相對便宜一些。

把所有材料準備好,放進我的萬用 Ikea 鑄鐵鍋,慢煮約兩小時,待牛腩轉稔即可熄火。

Coarsely shredded the cooked beef brisket to your liking. Placed it back into the cast iron pot and to be cooked on the following day. This would enrich the flavour of the Beef Ragù.


Coarsely shred the cooked beef brisket

For the pasta, I bought two packs of fresh Pappardelle for £3.5, slightly more expensive than the dried ones. After resting the Ragù overnight, most of the original sauce had been absorbed into the beef brisket. During reheating, I had added Passata to create a smooth tomato sauce.

今次我會用新鮮的 Pappardelle,一包 300g 賣 £1.75,只比亁的貴一點點。 而經過一整晩,原先煮好的汁液已差不多全被吸進牛腩𢇁,翻煮時我會加入 Passata 來做個口感幼滑蕃茄醬。

Seasoned with salt and pepper, cooked the Beef Ragù sauce for another 30 minutes. Tossed the Pappardelle with whatever amount of Ragù sauce you liked and a simple Italian pasta dinner was ready for serving.

稍為調味,再加熱半小時便可作為 Pappardelle 的 sauce,一家人的意大利風味晚餐即完成。

Slow Cooked Beef Ragù ready for serving
Shredded slow cooked Beef Ragù Pappardelle

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7 Responses

  1. Ms Garden says:


  2. Anonymous says:

    Looks absolutely delicious!

  3. 好勁呀! 可以開店

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