Piano Restoration – Part 2 鋼琴大翻新 (二)

Our Yamaha U1 piano had been delivered to the workshop for nearly one week and various components were gradually dismantled. Just received call from A. Hanna & Sons Pianos that additional issues were found by technicians and we were invited to their workshop for a discussion.

To be honest, not a good sign!

We had an appointment after the Easter holidays for a better understanding on the latest issues.

鋼琴運回 Workshop 已經差不多一星期,内部零件亦續步被拆開移除。剛收到琴行通知,維修技師發現了更多問題,邀請我們到 Workshop 看看及相討。


復活節假期過後,到了 A. Hanna & Sons Pianos 在 Wimbledon 的 Workshop 和修琴技師瞭解最新情況。

We met Mr. Chucri, who took us to the workshop for a detailed review of the piano. To facilitate the restoration work, our Yamaha U1 piano had been laid flat on the work table.

今天與 Mr. Chucri 會面,他帶我到 Workshop 作詳細解釋。為方便工作,我家的 Yamaha U1被平放在工作台上。

Inside view of Yamaha U1 Piano

As most of the internal parts had been dismantled, the bridge and the soundboard of the piano could be clearly seen. Other than the crack previously found in the bridge, it was observed that two other cracks existed in the lower bridge as well. In essence, the cracking in the piano bridge is far more serious than originally expected! The entire piano bridge has to be ordered and imported from Yamaha’s Japan factory. A significant impact both in terms of time and cost for the restoration project.

由于主要部份已拆除,琴內的 bridge 及 soundboard 清晰可見。除了原先見到的裂縫外,再發現多兩組裂縫於 bridge 的左下方,整體上的問題較當初估計更嚴重,需從日本 Yamaha 廠房訂購整條 bridge 作更換,對復修所需的時間或費用上都有相當影響。

Additional crack found in the lower bridge
Second crack found in the lower bridge

There were also sign of moisture and moulds found on the piano soundboard. Not sure if that were related to the humid weather of Hong Kong, or caused by the adverse environment of the shipping. It was advised that the soundboard has to be dried to remove the excess moisture during the restoration process. Omg, another chance of cracking in the soundboard!

另外 soundboard 上亦有發霉的跡象,不知是否因香港的潮濕氣候還是船運期間所致。在復修時需作適量烘乾,希望不會引致爆裂吧!

Soundboard showing sign of moisture & mould

And this probably explained why considerable oxidation and rusting were found with the strings and tuning pins.

潮濕情況亦解釋了為何絃線及tuning pins 出現了嚴重氧化及發鏽。

Even though I had mentioned A. Hanna & Sons in a number of my posts, it seems that I have not post any photo on the shop. As they were not busy today, I took some pictures for sharing.

雖然已多次談論過 A. Hanna & Sons,但好像從沒有人 post 過店舖的相片,今天見店中不太多人,特意拍下數張和大家分享。

A. Hanna & Sons, Wimbledon

By the way, my collection of piano restoration posts is not a form of advertisement/business promotion and I have no affiliation with A. Hanna & Sons. The objective of writing these posts is purely for my personal record. In addition, I hope that the information would be useful to readers who plan to relocate their pianos from Hong Kong to UK as well as possible issues they might be facing.

差點忘記了,我所寫的鋼琴復修文章並不是「葉佩雯」,我也和 A. Hanna & Sons 沒有甚麼合作關係。撰寫這些文章純為自己作個紀錄,亦希望對想把鋼琴運到英國的讀者多一點資料及可能要面對的問題。

You may find my collection of piano relocation & restoration posts listed below.


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11 Responses

  1. so what is your decision? go ahead or buy a new one

  2. 咁大工程喎。Big job!

  3. Anonymous says:

    我都好想搬我部YAMAHA數碼鋼琴去芵國 好似你咁講 有感情 佢陪左我最唔開心嘅日子 家人去世 試下問下你果間公司嘅報價先 謝謝

    • 數碼鋼琴應該比較容易,如果不是那些 Grand piano 型號,一般琴身同琴座、琴脚都可以拆開,分開包装及放入大紙箱就可以。一般搬運公司應該可以處理,價錢亦相信會便宜很多。祝一切順利 🙏

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