Cycling in UK 英倫踩單車

The last riding I had was the time I waved goodbye to my old classmates and cycling buddies back in end March this year. As all my belongings had already been picked up by the international relocation company in mid-March, I had to rent another road bike from the bicycle shop. With quite a big difference in the components and bike settings, that 50+ Km bike ride seemed to be much harder than before. My muscles got sore and it took me few days to fully recover.

Kingston upon Thames that I currently lived is a bicycle friendly borough with well defined bicycle lanes spreading across the place. Quite a lot of the residents here take bicycle as their major means of daily transportation. During leisure time, they will also ride in the parks or along the countryside for fun and exercise.

對上一次踩單車已是今年三月尾,亦是我的與一眾老同學和車友門道別的一天。而跟移民隨行的物品包括我的單車已在月中經國際搬運公司裝箱,當天只好在相熟單車店租用另一部 road bike。由於租用的單車與我自己的在配置及設定有頗大差異,那天五十多公里的行程踩得較辛苦,肌肉亦酸痛了好幾天。

現時居住的 Kingston upon Thames 是個單車友善的地方,單車徑遍報大部分地區,很多居民都以單車作為日常的交通工具,閒時又會到公園或郊外作單車旅遊、健身之用。

Cycling around River Thames 泰晤仕河畔單車徑
Cycling round Hampton Court Palace 漢普頓宮單車徑
Climbing the Olympic route, Zip Zap Road, in Box Hill

To cut down the shipping cost and the subsequent storage concern, I had sold my seldom used MTB and only brought with me the two road bikes.

The highly skilled relocation staff worked professionally and quickly packed my bikes into onsite assembled boxes within 15 minutes. As no disassembly of the bikes had been made, much efforts would be saved during unwrapping in UK.

為了減少船運費用及考慮到日後儲物空間,今次到英國前已把較少使用的 MTB 賣掉,只剩下兩部 road bikes。


Little brother: Giant TCR Advanced SL 1
Big brother : Giant TCR SLR 1, fully wrapped

After we arrived at Kingston, we had considered to rent bicycles for getting around the area. I had visited a number of bike shops but found that they only provided new bike sales and professional maintenance. Probably most families here have their own bikes and there are not much demand on bike rental.

The famous Brompton Bike has her Brompton Bike Hire service available across a number of UK cities. By simply registering for a new user account, one can rent a Brompton bikes via the company’s online website or mobile apps. In fact, the nearest dock is located next to the Surbiton Station.

We had once though of renting a number of Brompton bikes using the service. However, we ended up dropping the idea as our helmets were still on the way to UK. I didn’t want to jeopardise our life in the absence of proper protection.

剛到達 Kingston 時曾經想過租單車一家四處逛,到過很多單車店,但他們只提供售賣及專業單車維修服務。相信因英國居住地方較大,一般人都有自己的單車,租單車的需求不大。

著名的 Brompton Bike 在英國多個城市有提供她們的 Brompton Bike Hire 服務。只需登記成為用家,便可透過她們的網頁或手機 App 租用 Brompton Bike,而在附近的 Surbiton Station 亦有此服務站。


Brompton Bike Hire Dock at Surbiton Station

Early this week, I received notification from the shipping company that all our belongings had already arrived at Southampton. It is estimated that items will be delivered to my apartment upon clearing by late July. In that case, I better wait for the delivery of my two road bikes and other accessories.

Anyway, stay calm and my little brothers are coming.

最近收到船運公司的通知,我的家當已運抵 Southampton,预計七月尾清關完成便可送到新居。看來還是等我的兩部 road bikes 及相關單車用具到達再算。


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12 Responses

  1. Pauline Y says:

    It seems like Brompton bike rentals is something new these few years, I’ve seen them around a lot of railway stations. Btw, did you know the 2012 Olympic cycling came right through Surbiton and Kingston? I remember standing on the road in Surbiton watching the cyclist come through from Box Hill to Kingston, it was just so good!!!!

  2. Editor Devil says:

    Brompton正啊,夠輕身,而且可以摺得好快。不過我唔可以拎重物,所以對我冇乜用。我連之前的Dahon摺車都賣鬼咗,再買部hybrid bike。租車的fitting唔啱,會跩得好攰。呢邊都很少租車的,除了中央公園附近,不過自從有了Citi Bike共享單車後,他們的生意大受影響。英國有沒有共享單車?不過通常要城市才有。英國的騎單車文化怎樣?期待看你寫的文。下個月我有個騎車活動,40英里。

    • 英國近年多少很多公共單車,Greater London都幾多,單車文化都幾發展得好好。我的兩部 Road bikes,應該下星期尾運到 Kingston,我都好期待。

      你個月的活動踩得開心啲 💪

      • Editor Devil says:


  3. Looking forward to seeing two little brothers soon ar ~

  4. 清風明月 says:

    Biking is very popular here in Sweden. My husband and I really enjoy biking as well 🙂 he actually proposed to me while we were biking around Taiwan, haha. Unfortunately we don’t bike now as we have 2 young kids….

  5. Editor Devil says:

    I think I got it. Your blog doesn’t allow people to leave comments in Chinese. I left comments in Chinese here before and they were all gone. ///I like Brompton folding bike too, light and easy to fold in a second. But I can’t carry a bike, even a folding bike anymore after my surgery. I sold my Dahon to get a Specialized hybrid bike.

  6. Hi! How are you!

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