ABRSM Performance Grade Exam – Final Stage 英國皇家音樂學院表演評級考試 – 終結篇

Once the booking of the ABRSM Performance Grade Examination has been made, candidate or his/her guardian has to upload the performance examination recording to the ABRSM Portal.

完成了 ABRSM Performance Grade Examination (英國皇家音樂學院表演評級術科考試) 的預約後,考生需要於選定的限期內呈交錄影到 ABRSM 的考試網站。

The Performance Grade Examination comes with its specific requirements for the recording and full details are available in the ABRSM website. You may also refer to the following video for details.

表演評級術科考試的影片有指定的規格,ABRSM 亦預先發佈在其網站上,詳情可參考以下片段。

As the examination is assessed based on how the candidate performed during the recording, not much is placed on the requirements on the recording equipment. Taking Piano examination as an example, the video recording should show the candidate’s face, hands, feet and the piano. For audio, so long as the recording allow the examiner to clearly listen to the performance is totally acceptable.

Personally, I tried to do the recording with my iPhone at home. However, I gave up as I failed to eliminate those background noise. Eventually, I passed the job to the professionals in the recording studio.

Once a satisfactory examination recording has been made, it is ready for ABRSM submission.

Notice that the chosen submission date at the booking is the deadline and candidate can submit the recording anytime before that date. I suggested to submit earlier and allow more time to fix any issues encountered during the recording.

由於 ABRSM 的評級是基於考生的表現,因此在錄影器材方面沒有太高的要求。以鋼琴為例,主要是能清楚收錄考生的樣貌、雙手、雙腳及鋼琴;而音響方面,只要讓評審人員能清𥇦聽到演奏便可以。

我曾經嘗試以 iPhone 於家中錄影,但因未能消除背景噪音而放棄,最後交給琴行作專業製作。

當做好了一個滿意的錄影後便可呈交到 ABRSM 作評審。


First login to the ABRSM Portal.

先行登入 ABRSM Portal。

ABRSM Portal Login 登入

Next select the relevant candidate and submit the recording.


Exam Recording Submission 呈交考試錄影

Considerable time will be required for the recording file upload. Upon completion, the system will respond with a submission confirmation screen.


By comparing with the original Practical Grade Examination, I personally think that the Performance Grade Examination has one major advantage – much shorter assessment turnaround time.

It took about one week from recording submission to release of assessment result, saving those unnecessary worries faced by the candidates.


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3 Responses

  1. 嘩! 好彩你早prepare 乍,好早就發覺iPhone 有background noise ~ 然後可以去琴行搞

  2. 琴行另一好慮係用 Grand Piano,音色好好多👍👍

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