2020 Review 回顧 / 2021 Resolutions 展望

Back in early 2020, I had not written any review post for year 2019 or resolutions for the coming year. Partly because I was very busy running my own takeaway shop, but the major reason was that I was feeling down at that time, couldn’t charge up to work out any plan for myself.

2019 was a year of sadness, from a legislation that triggered social unrest, followed by numerous failures to address the issue, Hong Kong has undergone a complete change. In fact, you might say that Hong Kong is dying.

In 2020, social unrest had gradually been under control, but just like the ending lyric of the song “Subversive of the times (時代的顛覆者)” :

Mindset has been cleaned,
Subversive was gone,

the place has returned to harmony,
but voice of objection was completely vanished

While many believed that Hong Kong is back to harmony, the pandemic spread across the earth making the world came to a halt. With the failure in anti-pandemic arrangement as well as the establishment of more vigorous controls over Hong Kong, many of us has completely lost our faith on Hong Kong’s future. That piece of land had been certified, yes, Hong Kong was dead.

2020 年初,我沒有為已過去一年埋數,更沒有訂下新的一年目標,除了是忙於食店的事務外,主要是因心情低落,提不起勁去思考來年的方向。

2019是痛苦的一年,從一個法例而激法起社會不安,接連的錯誤應對令香港歩向滅亡,Hong Kong is dying




正當很多人以為社會重拾和諧之際,更可怕的疫情卻肆虐全球,世界就像完全停頓下來。而在抗疫安排上的失誤及更強大的鎮壓策略下,很多香港人都對未來完全失去信心,這片土地亦可算是正式死亡,Hong Kong is dead

To be honest, I have no personal objective or resolution for 2021. I just hope that the pandemic will soon be under control and people can resume their normal lives.

For Hongkonger, I wish that they can find their direction and have a bright future. 💪💪

坦白講,對於 2021 年,我再沒有自己的目標。只希望疫情會盡快受控,令市民生活可回復正常。


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6 Responses

  1. 本來我也想寫2021 不過冇乜idea 可能人一向冇planning 🙂

  2. Jean says:

    Wishing the best for you and your family.

    Here in Canada, on the main news channels, etc., we don’t get much info. on HK situation right now in English speaking news. (I can’t read/write Chinese.)

    • Thank you for the blessings and wish you have great New Year too.

      Frankly speaking, HK is a small place and it is quite normal that news channels of other countries did not place much attention on us.

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