Those Same Old Days 那些年

Ever since I have got my wireless EarPods, time spent on listening to music has increased quite significantly. Without exception, this also applied to today’s family hike.


I am fond of using the “Shuffle Play” function recently. Just clicked on the button, relax and let my phone to determine whatever song to play.

Even though I’m extremely familiar with the thousands of songs in my phone, sometimes this kind of “synthetic randomness” still give me big surprise.

Just like the song I had today – 寂寞難耐 (Lonely Days).

近來愛上了 “隨機播放” 模式,按了制後便任由手機去揀選歌曲;雖然機內數千首歌也曾聽過好幾遍,但這種 ”人為的隨意性” 有時仍會帶來一點點的意外驚喜。

就像今天重溫的這首歌 – 寂寞難耐

Recalled the first time I heard the song from Jonathan Lee, it’s really hard for me to express that kind of emotional resonance I had.

Without any hesitation, I rushed to buy the record.




I once shared this with old classmates, it came to my surprise that nearly all of them also had the same record. Probably it’s the magic of the lyric “一天又過一天,三十歲就快來“.

For the past 30+ years, Jonathan had performed several version of the song. Definitely, the following is my favourite version.

和一班舊同學談起這件事,竟發覺他們大多數也擁有這張大碟。這亦証明了那份對 “一天又過一天,三十歲就快來” 的認同感是多麼厲害。


How about you ?


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6 Responses

  1. (偷笑)我十分喜歡李宗盛的,係十分! 年輕時候,呢首歌一出,我周圍介紹我朋友 , 她們係⋯ 你咁老既⋯我無言lor
    前幾年,他有首歌叫山丘 (嘩! 超dak) 我又周圍介紹,又係冇人理我! 喜歡他什麼呢? 喜歡他寫盡了人生,喜歡「和自己赛跑的人」 喜歡他夠真,他有次live concert 唱「愛的代價」 未唱就喊
    我心中的女神 ~ 張艾嘉 上去幫他唱
    呀! sorry sorry 說回李宗盛,小宗呀 一流呀他!

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