Starting Advertisement in My Blog 賣廣告

When my blog has accumulated 50000 pageviews, I had written a milestone post to mark this little achievement of my blogger journey. Other than this, I had also started taking Advertisement.

WordPress advertisement existed for quite a long time. If you are a free plan user, WordPress will automatically embed advertisement to your post. Unfortunately, you won’t be paid and you can’t stop them! On the other hands, if you have “Premium Plan” subscribed just like me, thing will be different. WordPress will not automatically embed advertisement to your post. In fact, you can make use of their WordAds feature to earn some money.


WordPress 廣告存在已久,如果你是 WordPress 的免費用家的話,Wordpress 會自動加插廣告入你的文章,只是他們不會給你任何報酬,而你亦沒法阻止。而我訂購的 Premium plan 就不同了,Wordpress 不會自行加插廣告,相反你可透過他們的 WordAds 功能去分一杯羮。

So what is the right time to start taking advertisement?

According to the guidelines in the WordPress WordAds FAQ:


根據 WordPress WordAds 的 FAQ 內的指引:


Q: I applied to WordAds. When will it be available to me?
A: Our advertisers have a minimum traffic requirement. Once you reach the level they’re looking for, your application will be automatically sent to them for evaluation.

Q: What is the minimum traffic requirement?
A: A site generally needs thousands of pageviews each month to earn meaningful revenue.

In simple words, WordPress will send advertisement to your blog when certain level of traffic or pageviews has been reached. Furthermore, you will start to earn a meaningful amount of money!

Well, what does “thousands” of pageviews WordPress is referring to? One thousand, two thousands or nine thousands?

How much is a “meaningful” revenue?

No more bullshit and let me take you for a walkthrough of my WordPress advertisement journey.

基本上是網誌達到一定的流量後,Wordpress 才會分派廣告給你,亦在此情況下才可累積到一個有實質意義的報酬!

但這裡所指的每月 “數千流量” 實際上是一千、二千還是九千呢?

實質意義” 的報酬又是多少呢?

就讓我帶你體驗一下我的 WordAds 經歷吧!

WordPress WordAds

The first step is to enable the WordAds feature.

Click on the “Join WordAds” button under My Sites → Tools → Earn → View Ad Dashboard. If you have subscribed to Premium or above plans, WordPress will automatically approve your join request.

Otherwise, WordPress will review your site based on the following pre-requisites:

1. Your site must have your own Domain Name
2. Have Jetpack plugin installed
3. Already have sufficient amount of pageviews

However, WordPress has not explicitly stated the requested volume of pageviews!

首先要開啟 WordAds 功能。

My Sites → Tools → Earn → View Ad Dashboard 上按 “Join WordAds“,如果你已訂購 Premium 或以上的 plan,Wordpress 會自動批核申請。

那如果未能滿足這條件,Wordpress 會怎樣去批核你的加入要求呢?


1. 具備獨立的 Domain Name
2. 已安裝 Jetpack
3. 擁有足夠的流量

但 WordPress 從沒有明確定義所需的流量!

Select how the advertisement will be added to the post.


Since WordPress will settle the WordAds revenue via PayPay, you need to provide your PayPal email name. Click “Save” to complete the settings.

因 WordPress 會經 PayPal 支附廣告收益,你亦需要填上你的 PayPal 電郵地址,按 Save 便完成。

Next, work hard to write your posts and revenue will pour in. 👌

剩下來是努力寫文章,等收錢啦。 👌

Despite you can’t control the type and nature of the advertisement WordAds assigned to your post, you can manage how WordAds to embed those “Family Safe” advertisement to either the top and middle of the post as well as the sidebar.

In addition, you can also explicitly add a WordAds advertisement to whatever location within your post with the “Ad” Block, just like my example below.

雖然你不能控制廣告內容及性質,但你仍能利用 WordAds 設定,選擇性地令 WordAds 把一些 “Family Safe” 的廣告加入文章頂部、中間或 Sidebar。

另外,你亦可透過 “Ad” Block 主動地要求 WordAds 加入廣告到你想要的地方,就像我以下的做法。

WordAds will then assign an additional advertisement as below.

WordAds 便會加插額外的廣告。

Ha ha, sorry for my little trick to earn some more money. 🤣🤣

哈哈,我就是來呃廣告收益的。 🤣🤣

Oh, I nearly forgot. You must have a WordAds enabled WordPress Theme in order to have advertisement embedded. In fact, I had spent quite a lot of efforts to found out this!

噢,差點忘記了,要收 WordAds 廣告,你一定要選用一個支援 WordAds 功能的 WordPress 佈景主題,我也花了相當多的時間才找出這個問題!

And for statistics on the advertisement earning, you can find them in the WordPress Dashboard ( My Sites → Tools → Earn → View Ad Dashboard  → Earnings ).

Well , how I performed in the past one month and how much did I earn?

Let take a look at the advertisement figures from the “Ads” tab under “Stats and Insights

至於廣告收益數據,你可在 WordPress Dashboard ( My Sites → Tools → Earn → View Ad Dashboard  → Earnings ) 上找到。

經過個多月的時間,我的 WordAds 廣告表現又如何呢?

利用 “Stats and Insights” 內的 “Ads” Tab,你可看到近期的廣告推送數據。

This is the daily advertisement served.


And this is my daily revenue.

Subject to the type of advertisement assigned, the corresponding unit price will vary. WordAds utilises CPM (Cost per thousand impressions) to calculate the earning and the average monthly CPM is around USD 0.15.


視乎分派的廣告性質,相對應的單位廣告價錢亦大大不同。WordAds 是以 CPM (每千次曝光成本) 去計算,而每月平均 CPM 約 USD 0.15。

This is the total WordAds earning by month.


For the last 19 days of November, I had earned USD 0.82, roughly equals to HKD 6.4. Even when I normalised it to a monthly earning, it is just HKD 10.

Another bad news is that WordPress will only pay you when the accumulated earning reach USD 100.

To be honest, earn a living through WordAds will definitely drive you crazy!

真慘情,十一月內的十九天只賺了 USD 0.82,勉強折換到 HKD 6.4,即使計足整整一個月亦只是 HKD 10

更無奈的是 WordPress 只會在累積越過 USD 100 才會經 PayPal 找數。

看來單靠 WordAds 來賺錢肯定會餓死!

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14 Responses

  1. The GPS Gal says:

    Thanks for sharing your personal experience as an “advertisement beginner”! 😉

  2. William says:


  3. Ayush says:

    That was helpful!

  4. chinmoylad says:

    Hi – I’m also from Hong Kong. Thanks for the insightful post. I’m trying to maximise my revenue as well.
    Couple of things:

    First, to make even decent money, you definitely need to have traffic in the thousands.

    Secondly, “Tier 1” countries and especially US, pays out better, so the more traffic you have from certain countries, the better your payout. Apart from the US, traffic from Canada and UK etc is also helpful.
    Your CPM will also vary based on season – e.g. closer to Christmas I saw rates as high as $0.75 CPM. My rates generally hover around $0.2-0.25. Post Christmas, there was a HUGE drop to around $0.1-0.15 as I’m assuming advertisers would cut budgets as well.

    Third, there are basically 2 ways to increase revenue: 1) Increase traffic 2) Increase CPM. You have a lot of control over #1, and some control over #2 depending on how you place your ads etc (but there are limits to WordAds here). I found that as my traffic increased, my CPM also dropped (but there may be some correlation with post-Christmas-drop here as mentioned earlier). For #1, also of course ideally you want more traffic from the Tier 1 countries as mentioned below.

    Hope this helps you!

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