ABRSM Performance Grade Exam Online Booking ABRSM 英國皇家音樂學院表演評級考試網上預約

Time flies and its December, ABRSM Performance Grade Examination finally opened for online booking in Hong Kong.

轉眼又到十二月,ABRSM Performance Grade Examination (英國皇家音樂學院表演評級術科考試)終於開放網上預約服務給香港考生。

I tried my very best to login to ABRSM’s website on the first day of the online application, but … timeout again and again.

I had no option but to give up.

That night, I attempted again and found the latest announcement made by ABRSM apologising for the temporary closure of the online booking service.



Disclosure of online booking service 暫停網上評級報名服務

Probably this was another example of lack of user estimation and/or loading test prior to release.

Anyway, I tried the following day and thanked god, I managed to enter the ABRSM online booking system.

The first step required was to create an user account for the online booking.


我當然不會氣餒,第二天再度嘗試。稍微等候下,終於可以進入ABRSM 報名系統。


ABRSM Account Creation 建立ABRSM 用戶

Other than the username, a “National ID” must be provided as well. Here I used my Hong Kong Identity Card number and I believed the HKSAR Passport number might also be used as well.

Once the user account was created, you needed to login to portal.abrsm.org to continue with the online booking.

The first item to select was the assessment type. In Hong Kong, only the following is currently provided:

Practical Exams, Assessment Location –> Remote

除了戶口名稱外,系統需要一個”National ID“,我用了香港特區身分證號碼,相信特區護照號碼亦能通過。

完成後需要登入 portal.abrsm.org 作正式報名。


Practical Exams, Assessment Location –> Remote

Examination Booking 預約評級試時段

Then select the required instrument (Piano), Grade (Performance Grade 8), If you have any special needs, specify via “Access arrangement“.

Click on “Show available booking options” to continue.

接著選擇樂器 (Piano), 級別 (Performance Grade 8),如果有特殊需求,可經 “Access arrangement“申請。

按下 “Show available booking options“。

Musical instrument selection 揀選評級樂器

The system would then show the required time for the remote assessment (Duration). The first part of the screen was for the submission time-slot for all students (if more than one candidate). As I only had one, I just scrolled down to display the second portion of the screen.

系統會顯示評級所需時間 (Duration)。第一部分是全體考生(如有一位以上考生)遞交錄影檔案時段,因我沒有此需要,滾動至下一頁。

Recording Submission Time-slot selection (All candidates) 揀選網上遞交時段 (全部考生)

In the “Select candidates individually” screen, clicked on “Select (0/1)” to select the reqiured recording submission time-slot. Noticed that the time shown in “Available duration” must be longer than the required assessment duration.

在 “Select candidates individually“畫面,按下 “Select (0/1)” 選擇所需遞交時段。留意所選的剩餘時間 (Available duration)需多於評級所需時間。

Recording Submission Time-slot selection (Selected candidate) 揀選網上遞交時段 (個別考生)

Once the required time-slot was available, keyed in the candidate’s personal information in the next screen. One important point to note is that HKSAR Passport number MUST BE provided for the “National ID”. HK Identity Card number is not acceptable.

如果成功分派網上遞交時段,接著便需提供考生個人資料,特別需留意是,香港考生在 National ID 所指是。特區護照號碼,特區身份証是不附要求的。

Candidate personal details 考生個人資料

Upon successful completion, the system would display the booking details just made.


Booking completed 完成預約

Finally job done!


Based on the reserved submission time-slot, the next step is to arrange for the professional recording studio for the filming process.

And for my boy … , get prepare for the assessment!



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